Community Strategies: Angelo Maroun Abington, Carver, Kingston, Leominster Pleasant Street, Leominster Wachusett Street, Middleboro, and Winchendon Alger Street Comprehensive Program Review October 19, 2012
Meaningful day across the cluster making jewelry Strong retention numbers versus CS average Promotion from within, training and offering career advancement to our employees Strong volunteer opportunities (Habitat for Humanity, Fuller Museum, Brockton Mayors Council) Alger Street/Carver - significant decrease in restraints and hospitalizations Delighting our customers - a very pleased family at Wachusett Street
Lowlights/Challenges: Overtime across the cluster is high Performance evaluation numbers not as favorable compared to last CPR Financial Audits missed, stealing in Leominster Loss of managers and seasoned staff Medication occurrences, an increase since last CPR Distance, new cluster is much more spread apart
STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Performance Evaluations Staff Training
STAFF TURNOVER RATES 9/1/2011-8/31/2012 The current Cluster Average is 20.9% compared to the CSMA average of 21.1% Last CPR, Cluster Average was 25.4% versus CSMA overall of 27.8% Please note that the CS Cluster configuration has changed since the last CPR Data obtained from HR Reports Action Plan Item
OVERDUE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS March August 2012 Total of 66 FTE’s and 34 PTE’s with overdue performance evaluations between March 2012 – August Most overdue evaluations were completed within one month of due date. Last CPR had a total of 18 FTE’s and 17 PTE’s with overdue performance evaluations from June November Please note: CS Cluster included Abington, Bellingham, Carver, Franklin, Kingston, Medway, Middleboro, Wachusett and Wrentham Abington, Carver, Kingston, Wachusett and Middleboro: (March - August 2012) = 47 FTE’s and 20 PTE’s overdue compared to last CPR: (June – November 2011): 15 FTE’s and 5PTE’s overdue. Data obtained from HR Department & HR Personnel Summary MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust FTPTFTPTFTPTFTPTFTPTFTPT Abington Carver Kingston Middleboro Pleasant Wachusett Alger Cluster - Totals Overdue Evaluations 2 > or more months FTPT Abington11 Carver21 Kingston00 Middleboro00 Pleasant12 Wachusett52 Alger01 Cluster - Totals97 Action Plan Item
Total 2,659 training hours were completed March – August 2012; average of 37.9 hours per staff/cluster/over six months Average training hours per staff/month = 6.3 hours Last CPR, total training hours = 2,942 (CS Cluster included Abington, Bellingham, Carver, Franklin, Kingston, Medway, Middleboro, Wachusett and Wrentham) Data obtained from MMRs and HR Reports Action Plan Item
CLIENT RELATED Clinical Hours Walk-Aways Medication De-escalation and Restraints Mainstream/Community Inclusion Activities
Cluster Average of 1.6 clinical hours per client/month Total Clinical Hours = 319 (March – August 2012) Last CPR, the cluster average of clinical hours per client/month was 2.6 (June – November 2011); please note that the CS Cluster configuration has changed. Data obtained from MMRs
Client Walk-Aways March – August 2012June – November 2011 Abington10 Carver02 Kingston00 Pleasant1N/A Middleboro00 Wachusett00 Alger0N/A Cluster - Total22 Please note: CS Cluster configuration has changed from last CPR Data obtained from MMRs
Average: 0.33 medication incidents and occurrences per client/month Total of 72 medication incidents and occurrences (March – August 2012) The majority of the medication incidents/occurrences (90.3% or 65/72) were client refusal of medications Last CPR, a total of 34 medications incidents and occurrences. CS Cluster configuration has changed since last CPR. Data obtained from MMRs Action Plan Item
De-Escalations : Restraints March – August 2012June – November 2011 Abington 132:0121:0 Carver 44:1 24.3:1 Kingston 372:0 181:1 Pleasant 3.1:1N/A Middleboro 177:0 93:0 Wachusett 98:1 12.6:1 Alger 34:1N/A Cluster Average4,102 De-escalations: 239 Restraints or 17.2:1 83.9:1 Please note: CS Cluster configuration has changed since last CPR Data obtained from MMRs
Average Community Inclusion Activities Participated In and Offered Per Client/ Month (March – August 2012) Average of 11 Inclusion Activities Per Client/Month (86% participation rate) Last CPR, average of 4.4 inclusion activities participated in per client/ month (71% participation rate). Please note that Cluster configuration has changed since last CPR. Data obtained from MMRs
Average Mainstream Activities Participated In and Offered Per Client/ Month (March – August 2012) Average of 16.6 Mainstream Activities Participated in Per Client/Month (87.4% participation rate) Last CPR, average of 16.3 mainstream activities participated in per client/ month (79% participation rate). Please note that CS Cluster configuration has changed since last CPR. Data obtained from MMRs
Quality Assurance Key MMR Results Monitoring Results
Employment/Education: ( As of August 31, 2012) 7/33 or 21% of the residents are competitively employed 18/33 or 55% of the residents are in meaningful day 8/33 or 24% of the residents are in a sheltered workshop 6/33 or 18% of the clients are enrolled in pre-vocational training programs Other: 28/33 or 85% of the residents chose healthy living opportunities in programs 1 Contraband (Trigger) item found in the programs over this time period; last CPR = 3 Contraband items found Staff Certifications: 100% of staff are current in the following certifications: PAC/CPI; FA/CPR/AED; Human Rights; Fire Safety 67% of the staff are MAP certified o Abington 50%; Carver 59%; Kingston 71%; Pleasant 67%; Middleboro 67%; Wachusett 75%; and Alger 86%
Positives Average Scores – Confidential Files = 82% – Financial Records = 91 % (Pleasant Street is not included in this number) – Program Forms = 88% Strengths of the Cluster – ISP Paperwork (Assessment and Provider Support Strategies) – Fire Drills and Safety Plans – Mandatory Medical Appointments Areas In Need of Improvement – Data tracking of the Restraints and LOM (Limitation of Movement) forms – Required signatures for Skills Management Plans, Consent forms and LOM forms – ISP Paperwork (Progress Summaries) Action Plan Item
See Handout