U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Progress for Africa GCEV2 Jun Xiong, Prasad, Pardha 23 October, 2014
Content GCE V2.3 Product Accuracy Assessment GCE V2.3 Documents
GCE V2.3 nominal 2010 for Africa
GCEV2.03 Characteristics Geographic WGS84 projection Columns = Rows = Pixel size = 250 meters / Dd Upper left x, y = , Dd Lower right x, y = , Dd Projection = Geographic (Lat/Lon) Spheroid = WGS84 Layers Global Croplands Extent, including croplands / non-croplands Global Croplands Intensity, including single, double, continuous (class 3) and mixed Global Croplands Watering, including irrigated and rainfed Global Croplands Primary Type, TBD
GCE V2.3 nominal 2010 for Africa
Samples Bank (~6000 samples) Samples data (Reference data) will be uploaded to croplands.org for peer-review and sharing Q. How to set solid border between samples for training- purpose and assessment- purpose?
Accuracy Assessment Use HSegLearn to perform computer assisted photointerpretation of high resolution imagery data (< 5m) to generate ground reference sample independently. Alternative: get reference sample from GlobCover 300m Compared with country-wide statistics from FAO, UNEP,…etc.
Algorithm theoretical documentation basic Introduction Existing studies and limitations Version 2.3 product for Continental Africa Products description Contact information FAQs Algorithm theoretical documentation basic Study area Dataset: Satellite, Field data, Very high spatial resolution imagery Methodology Results References List of Tables and Figures
Manuscript Multi-temporal Analysis of Satellite Data to Automated Global Cropland Mapping: A Case Study in Continental Africa (In Manuscript) Jun Xiong 1,2 *, Prasad Thenkabail 1, Pardhasaradhi Teluguntla 1,3, Justin Poehnelt 2, Kamini Yadav 4 and Cristina Milesi 5 1 Flagstaff Science Center, US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA; 2 School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, USA 3 Bay Area Environmental Research Institute (BAERI), 596 1st St West Sonoma, CA 95476, USA 4 Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire, 56 College 12 Road, Durham, NH 03824, USA 5 NASA Ames Research Center, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, Mountain View, CA 94035, USA
Related Documents ATDB (GCEV2-ATDB.docx) Product self-description (GCEV2- readme.html) Sample Collection Procedures (SampleGuide.docx) Croplands.org Training Course (cropguide.html) Presentation slides