ASSE and NAOSH 11 th Annual ASSE Kids’ ‘SAFETY-ON-THE-JOB’ 2013 Poster Contest
ASSE-Columbia Willamette Chapter Portland, Oregon As a chapter member (Member Name) is sponsoring every (Employee’s child or Student) at (Company Name or School Name). Please ensure that you input the chapter member’s information correctly on the entry forms: Chapter Member’s Full Name ASSE Member Number Member Address:
How your child can win The posters that best illustrate Safety on the Job will be selected as winners out of each of the five age groups. Before the children begin drawing, we urge you to talk to them about your job and workplace safety and provide examples of what risks occupational safety, health and environmental professionals address every day on the job, and if possible, provide them with examples of workplace situations. Visit for examples of children's workplace safety posters and ASSE's "Safety Through the Decades" timeline. Have fun and, as they say in the in the Wild, Wild, West, "Draw Partner!”
Prizes for entry $2,500 savings bond to the 1 st place winner in every age group. $250 savings bond for 2 nd place in every age group $100 savings bond for 3 rd place in every age grou $100 savings bond for 4 th place in every age group
Rules There are five age categories with a first, second, third and fourth place winner from each age category which are: 1) ages 5-6 2) ages 7-8 3) ages ) ages ) ages 13-14
Rules The poster drawing must relate to the theme ‘Safety-on-the-Job’ and should illustrate an example of Safety on the Job/being safe at work. As you know, the description of workplace is all-encompassing -- it can be at: – an office – a manufacturing plant – on the road – in a plane – on a train – a ship – a dock – at home – on the football field – at a store – a fire or police department – construction sites – state capitols – parks, pools – schools – etc. Encourage your children to be creative.
Rules The finished poster must be no larger than 11" x 14". – Drawings should be submitted on heavy paper or poster illustration board. Crayons, magic markers or color pencils only should be used. – Those larger than 11” x 14” will be disqualified. Only one entry per child will be allowed. – Parents/sponsors are limited to verbal assistance only. – All drawings must be an individual effort and be free- hand originals. No traced pictures please.
Rules Each poster must have an official poster contest entry form attached on the back. All information on the entry form must be filled out. All entries MUST be postmarked or submitted online by Wednesday, February 14, All entries become the property of ASSE once submitted.
Rules Criteria for judging--- creativity and how well the poster expresses the contest theme ‘Safety-on-the-Job’. Winning posters will be announced in March A panel of independent judges will choose the winners.
Things to remember Fill out the handed-out entry form completely and attach that to the back of the child’s entry
Things to remember There is a separate form if submitted a group entry.
Things to remember You may also submit your entry electronically Simply go to kerpage/naosh_poster_upl oad.asp kerpage/naosh_poster_upl oad.asp Make sure to save the poster name as the child’s first and last name prior to upload.
Things to remember Posters must be postmarked or submitted online by February 14, 2013 to be considered. Mail to: ASSE/NAOSH ‘Safety-on-the-Job’ Kids’ Poster Contest Public Relations Department 1800 East Oakton Street Des Plaines, IL 60018
Questions??? Then DRAW!