Student Member Retention Research Project Mini Thomas, Vice Chair, M D MGA Darrel Chong, Chair, MGA SAC Jamie Moesch, Director Member Strategy Region 10 Meeting San Francisco 19 August, 2011
Membership Makeup (July 2011) 3 # Members: 379,266 84,254 33,947
*Past statistics required us to use the Level Data Slide 4 Ten Year Membership Totals in Top Countries - Student Membership (w/ GSM) - Zoom in on Rank 3-15
*Past statistics required us to use the Level Data Ten Year Membership Totals in Top Countries - Higher Grade Membership (no GSM) - Slide 5 Zoom in on Rank 2-10
Objectives Explore why IEEE students fail to renew membership after one or two years –Use past data and new studies to determine the facts and reasons for non renewal Develop an understanding of our ability to meet/exceed expectations in the areas our student members care about/are interested in Reassess current strategies and programs and allow the process to improve constantly Take your suggestions and feedback 6
What do we know? 7 Retention through July 2011 Total Student Retention Undergrad Student Retention Graduate Student Retention Regions %41.8%76.1% Region 10 w/out India49.7%36.4%58% India20%18.1%31.1% - India is the second largest country for student membership - India has the lowest retention for student members
What do we know? Year after year, this is what the membership in India looks like 8 IEEE Membership in India by Years of Service (14 Aug 2009) Years of Service Number of Members Something is wrong with First Year student retention in India
Why not to renew? Lack of local IEEE activity Membership did not meet expectations Membership is too expensive 9 The top 3 reasons were Overall satisfaction* was a lot lower among India students (18%), compared to US 46% on top 3 box % (very satisfied) * 2010 Non-renewing survey * … but we need to ask more levels of “Why” to understand deeper layers of the root causes
Research done 10 Phase I – to better understand the root causes Online bulletin board focus group –Conducted March –20 participants meeting specific criteria for the group (varied across geo, gender, tenure) –The event lasted 4 days – three days with new questions posted and a final day to allow participants to read and make final responses to others posts
Research done 11 Phase Il – followed the trail, using the findings of the on online focus group to refine our focus Quantitative online survey –Define the key aspects of member experience –Design the process to improve –Developed an understanding of what we can offer to our members –Survey conducted in April 2011
Current Action Recommendations: - For Sections We must improve opportunities for Professional Networking: –Sections need to bring networking events out to the student branches –Generally events are conducted in cities where the section is located, hence the students loose the opportunity to network –Create more networking opportunities for students 12
Current Action Recommendations: - For Sections We must not ‘oversell’ IEEE to students - Sections need to train student leaders to have effective and factual membership drives to recruit new members (benefits page ) –Ensure member satisfaction at the first year level (we are loosing ~30K St M in R10 and ~20K St M in India every year, who are probably lost for ever for IEEE) 13
Current Action Recommendations: - For Sections/SBs Improve the lag between students paying their local branch volunteers to join IEEE vs. actually becoming IEEE members. - Some local units may be waiting too long to aggregate payments, resulting in months between payment and processing - Have training sessions for branch counselors to empower them 14
Current Action Recommendations: - For Region 10 R10 SAC to strengthen training sessions/ webinars to train student leaders/branch counselors/SAC chairs Strengthen GINI for better student interaction/retention Develop new awards to recognize retention of members/include this criteria in student branch awards 15
Current Action Recommendations: - For IEEE Headquarters Improve the quality of the student branches through training, support, metrics, and constant feedback loops Consider revising the rebate system, to provide more incentive for retention than recruitment Develop new awards to recognize retention of members/include Improve the visibility/awareness of : a. Discounts b. Scholarships c. Contests 16
Slide 17 Comments, Questions, Suggestions?
19 Renewal by Region: 2011 Membership Year-July 2011 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opportuni ty # Renewal % Renewal Opportuni ty # Renewal % Renewal Opportuni ty # Renewal % Renewal Australian Capital Terr Sect % % % Bangalore Section % %4,3061, % Bangladesh Section % % % Beijing Section % %3,8162, % Bombay Section % %5,2841, % Calcutta Section % %1, % Changwon Section % % % Chengdu Section % % % Daejeon Section % % % Delhi Section % %3,0981, % Fukuoka Section % % % Gujarat Section % % % Harbin Section % % % Hiroshima Section % % % Hong Kong Section % %2,4732, % Hyderabad Section % %2,9791, % Indonesia Section % % % Islamabad Section % % % Kansai Section % %2,0911, %
20 Karachi Section % % % Kerala Section % %3,2291, % Kharagpur Section % % % Kwangju Section % % % Lahore Section % % % Macau Section % % % Madras Section % %9,0381, % Malaysia Section % %1,9611, % Nagoya Section % %1, % Nanjing Section % % % New South Wales % %2,4252, % New Zealand Central Section % % % New Zealand North % % % New Zealand South % % % Northern Australia % % % Queensland S % %1, % Reg 10-Countries Outside Sections % % % Region 10 - Apo/Fpo %3266.7% % Renewal by Region: 2011 Membership Year-July 2011 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al
21 Renewal by Region: 2011 Membership Year-July 2011 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al Opportu nity # Renew al % Renew al Sendai Section % % % Seoul Section % %2,4781, % Shanghai Section % % % Shikoku Section % % % Shin-Etsu Section % % % Singapore Section % %3,0092, % South Australia % % % Sri Lanka Section % % % Taegu Section % % % Tainan Section % % % Taipei Section % %3,5642, % Thailand Section % % % Tokyo Section % %7,5476, % Uttar Pradesh Section % %1, % Victorian Section % %1,8161, % Vietnam Section % % % Western Australia % % % Wuhan Section % % % Xian Section % % % Grand Total47,62936, %32,1099, %79,73845, %
22 Comparison: Membership Year-July 2011/Feb 2010 (<30% only) HIGHER GRADE MEMBERS STUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Bangalore Section % % (19.8%) 4,3061, % Bombay Section % %5,2841, % Calcutta Section % %1, % Delhi Section % %3,0981, % Gujarat Section % % % Hyderabad Section % % (13.7%) 2,9791, % Kerala Section % % (14.6%) 3,2291, % Madras Section % %9,0381, % Islamabad Section % % % Karachi Section % % % Lahore Section % % % Uttar Pradesh Section % %1, % * GINI/LINK active
IEEE R10 GINI Student Branch / Volunteer networking project –Active in India, Pakistan, Beijing, Tokyo, Australia / NZ Works with volunteers on the ground –Enhances the awareness about membership benefits –Trains volunteers –Increases cross communication between student volunteers from sections / regions, keeps them aware and updated Results : –Huge increase in R10 Awards / Competitions participations from student volunteers and members from GINI Sections –Marginal increase in retention rate in few GINI Pilot Sections (Kerala, Hyderabad ) GINI Startup Manual – How to establish a SB Network in your section and sustain student activities 23
24 Renewal by Region: 2010 Membership Year-February 2010 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opportun ity # Renewa l % Renewal Opportun ity # Renewa l % Renewal Opportun ity # Renewa l % Renewal Australian Capital Terr Sect % % % Bangalore Section1, %2, %3,8601, % Bangladesh Section % % % Beijing Section1, % %2,6471, % Bombay Section1, %3, %5, % Calcutta Section % %1, % Changwon Section % % % Chengdu Section % % % Daejeon Section % % % Delhi Section1, %1, %2, % Fukuoka Section % % % Gujarat Section % % % Harbin Section % % % Hiroshima Section % % % Hong Kong Section2, % %2,4551, % Hyderabad Section %1, %2, % Indonesia Section % % %
25 Islamabad Section % % % Kansai Section1, % %2,0981, % Karachi Section % % % Kerala Section %2, %2, % Kharagpur Section % % % Kwangju Section % % % Lahore Section % % % Macau Section % % % Madras Section1, %4, %6,5271, % Malaysia Section1, % %1,8691, % Nagoya Section % %1, % Nanjing Section % % % New South Wales Section1, % %2,1931, % New Zealand Central Section % % % New Zealand North Section % % % New Zealand South Section % % % Northern Australia Section % % % Queensland Section % % % Reg 10-Countries Outside Sections %8337.5% % Region 10 - Apo/Fpo %7342.9% % Renewal by Region: 2010 Membership Year-February 2010 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al
26 Repic Of Philippines Section % % % Sapporo Section % % % Sendai Section % % % Seoul Section1, % %2,4401, % Shanghai Section % % % Shikoku Section % % % Shin-Etsu Section % % % Singapore Section2, % %2,6791, % South Australia Section % % % Sri Lanka Section % % % Taegu Section % % % Tainan Section % % % Taipei Section2, % %3,3172, % Thailand Section % % % Tokyo Section6, % %7,5006, % Uttar Pradesh Section % % % Victorian Section1, % %1,6011, % Vietnam Section % % % Western Australia Section % % % Wuhan Section % % % Xian Section % % % Grand Total44,46731, %27,1946, %71,66138, % Renewal by Region: 2010 Membership Year-February 2010 HIGHER GRADE MEMBERSSTUDENT MEMBERSTOTAL MEMBERS REGION 10 Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al Opport unity # Renew al % Renew al