Poverty and Regime Change Nora Genster and Andrew Tabas
Question Is regime change more frequent in rich or poor countries?
Answer Regime change is more frequent in poor countries
Regimes in Literature Gassebner et al. Boix
Variables GDP growth GDP per capita (purchasing power parity) Inequality Regime Change Independent Dependent
Defining Rich and Poor Median values Income inequality GDP growth % GDP per capita lagged (purchasing power parity)
Frequency of Regime Transition VariablesMedian Value Number of Regime Transitions per POOR Country-year Number of Regime Transitions per Rich Country-year Lgdppcpppc (Logged GDP per capita) Gdpgr1 (GDP growth) Inequal1 (Inequality)
Frequency of Regime Transition
Choosing Case Studies Poor Country-yearRich Country-year Yes Regime Change (1)Quadrant OneQuadrant 2 No Regime Change (2)Quadrant 3Quadrant 4 Poor Country-yearRich Country-year Yes Regime Change (1)Guatemala, 1982South Korea, 1987 No Regime Change (2)YemenSweden
Guatemala, 1982 Regime Change – dictatorship to democracy GDP contraction % Low GDP per capita – High inequality – 46.53
South Korea, 1987 Regime change dictatorship to democracy High GDP growth – 10.62% High GPD per capita – 8.83 Low inequality – 37.61
Yemen and Sweden Sweden Yemen No regime change Consistently high GDP growth and GDP per capita Low inequality No regime change Consistently low GDP growth and GDP per capita High inequality
In Sum… Is regime change more frequency in rich or poor country- years? Regime Change is more frequent in poor-country years Poverty encourages political instability
Expansion Bank’s Conflict Index Bell Curve
Thank you.