How Campus and Central HR Can Work Together Better
ConnectCarolina User Conference Welcome Brian Simet Payroll Director
General Reminder: Requesting System Improvements & Reporting Request Process Megan Keefe Sr. Business Analyst and Team Lead, HRIM
4 Check to see if there is an existing solution Log a Help Desk Ticket with your request Prioritization Process —Review —Prioritization Requesting System Improvements & Reporting Request Process
Today’s Focus: How Campus & Central Officer Users Work Together … to Get Actions Through the System in a Timely Manner
6 Agenda TopicPresenter Workflow 101 Megan Keefe Dates and Deadlines Brian Simet Missed Deadline: Manual Check Process Brian Simet Don’t Forget TIM Deadlines Kristen Dunivant
Workflow 101 Megan Keefe Sr. Business Analyst and Team Lead, HRIM
8 Workflow 101 Workflow is the process which routes actions through the system The system follows predetermined workflow rules based on business process and information from the ePar Schools/Divisions have the ability to: – Designate how workflow is set up in their units, within certain parameters. – Identify who can originate/approve actions, within certain parameters. Most of the HR forms use similar workflow rules, with the exception of the Affiliate form where actions are entered and routed to the PID Office
9 Workflow 101 Level 1 is optional within a School/Division
10 Workflow 101 Level 1 and Level 2 both have four workflow roles: HR Approver Budget Approver Student Approver Student Reviewer ConnectCarolina will not allow you to approve an action which you initiated
11 Workflow 101 What actions are routed to the approver roles? HR Approver – This role approves actions for all types of employees except Students, SPA Temporaries, or SPA Temporary-Retirees Budget Approver – This role approves actions for all types of employees except SPA Students and SPA Workstudy Students Student Approver – This role approves all student actions Student Reviewer – This role is sent an fyi notification for all student actions
12 Workflow 101 A Deeper Dive on HR and Budget Approvers… HR Approver – The employee’s primary department receives an approval request – The employee’s secondary department(s) receive notification Budget Approver – The employee’s primary department receives an approval request, as well as any department where funding changed – Any department that funds the employee, but that funding did not change, receives a notification At level 1 & 2, a user who has both HR and Budget Approver roles only has to approve once
13 Workflow 101 Campus Approver RolesLevel 1Level 2 HR ApproverOptionalRequired Budget ApproverOptionalRequired Student ApproverOptional Student ReviewerOptional Questions about Level 1 or 2 workflow should be directed to the ConnectCarolina Liaison and/or HR Officer for your School/Division
14 Workflow 101 Level 3 – Central Office Workflow Roles – Separate roles for each Central Office that has a need to review or approve actions (i.e., Budget Office, Classification & Compensation, OSR, etc.) – Based on conditional logic that can be triggered by combinations of Employee Group, Action and Reason, Regular/Temporary status, Funding Type, etc. – Level 3 workflow is not sequential (i.e. all Level 3 approvers can approve an action at the same time)
15 Workflow 101 When workflow goes bad … tips for avoiding workflow problems – Pay attention to the HR/Payroll calendar! Allow enough time for actions to be routed through all levels of workflow – Use the ePar comments to provide additional information about the action – Make sure there is more than one person in each approval role so actions don’t get “stuck” when an approver is out of the office – Turnover of originators and approvers can cause problems
Dates and Deadlines Brian Simet Payroll Director
17 Dates and Deadlines Why are they needed Provide for timely and accurate payment to employees – Adverse impact on employees when they are not followed include » Loss of resources to employee (market upswing) in the case of contributions towards investments (retirement, 403B, 401K, deferred comp) » Significant hardship if they were expecting payment Allows us to leverage delivered functionality – Thereby optimizing use of system and human resources – Manual intervention can result in over/under-payments Eliminate adverse impact on down-stream process – ORBIT, CA
18 Manual Check Process Manual check policy – Attempt to standardize the process – Standard due dates – Standard issue date Biweekly – alt Friday Monthly – 11 th work day following pay day – Minimal gross (prorate for part-time) $290 biweekly ($7.25 x 40 hours) $406 monthly ($7.25 x 7 days x 8hrs) – Edits made to earlier draft based on feedback To be submitted (electronically) as an attachment to a Remedy Ticket Requires HR Officer (designee not accepted)
19 Manual Check Process Manual check policy – Cont’d – Notify Brandon Brooks (monthly) Yolanda Torain (biweekly) of “special” situations May include last minute communication to Payroll Services of potential overpayments
20 Manual Check Process
21 Manual Check Process
22 Manual Check Process
23 Manual Check Process
TIM - Ensuring Timely Payment Kristen Dunivant Payroll & TIM Analyst
25 TIM Ensuring Timely Payment of Hours Worked New Hires and Rehires Terminations Summary
26 TIM Hiring and Rehiring SPA Employees New hire and rehire actions should be originated and approved in ConnectCarolina before the employee starts work. If this does not occur, new hires and rehires must be approved/executed in ConnectCarolina within the week the employee starts work. If a new hire or rehire action is not approved/executed in ConnectCarolina until the following pay period, TIM Administrators will need to sign off the timecard for the previous pay period and enter REG ADJ historical edits in the current pay period in TIM. New Hires & Rehires
27 TIM Hiring and Rehiring SPA Employees When a position is not active in the biweekly pay period in TIM due to late approval/execution in ConnectCarolina, hours will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. – Entries on an all zero account in the timecard must be removed to ensure successful extract of hours from TIM to the Payroll system. The TIM import interface runs at 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for the first Tuesday of the biweekly pay period, when it runs at 1:00 p.m. New Hires & Rehires
28 TIM Hire Effective Date The effective date of a new hire or rehire action in ConnectCarolina is the first date of employment in the new position. To ensure timely payment of hours worked, entries in the timecard in TIM must be made on or after the hire or rehire effective date. New Hires & Rehires
29 TIM Hire Effective Date For employees that have worked at UNC-CH previously, all dates in the timecard appear to be available. However, the effective date of the action in ConnectCarolina is the earliest date that hours worked will be assigned to that position in TIM and paid to the employee. Hours entered before the effective date will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. – Entries on an all zero account in the timecard must be removed to ensure successful extract of hours from TIM to the Payroll system. New Hires & Rehires
30 TIM Hire Effective Date ONYENs for new hires and rehires are imported one day after the action is sent to TIM. So, new employees will not be able to log into TIM until the following business day. Therefore, it is important for managers to be aware of the employee’s effective date and to enter their times in and out in the timecard on or after that date. New Hires & Rehires
31 TIM New Secondary Positions Employees in secondary positions in TIM must log into TIM and process a transfer to their secondary position before the Manager or TIM Administrator will be able to find them in TIM. Employees who work secondary positions should be reminded that they need to transfer only on the Time Stamp In. A transfer on the Time Stamp Out will result in a ‘double punch’, a Time Out and a second Time In in the timecard. New Hires & Rehires
32 TIM New Secondary Positions It is critical that the Manager or TIM Administrator select the correct secondary position number that is assigned to that employee in ConnectCarolina when making a transfer in the timecard. All of the positions that report to the Manager or TIM Administrator appear in TIM, so they must be careful to select the correct position number. Hours transferred to a position that is not assigned to that employee in ConnectCarolina will not be processed for payment. New Hires & Rehires
33 TIM Terminations in ConnectCarolina The Last Date Worked in ConnectCarolina is the last date the position is active in TIM. The Effective Date of the termination action in ConnectCarolina is one day after the Last Date Worked. Terminations
34 TIM Terminations in ConnectCarolina SPA Student and Temporary employees will be terminated in ConnectCarolina when their Job End Date occurs. If the Job End Date is not accurate, an action to extend the date must be executed in ConnectCarolina before the Job End Date occurs. The Job End Date becomes the termination Effective Date and is therefore, one day after the Last Date Worked. Terminations
35 TIM Termination Actions in TIM For terminating employees, the dates worked and leave payout entries in TIM must be on or before the Last Date Worked. Be sure to insert rows on the last date worked when making multiple leave payout entries in the timecard. Entries made effective after the Last Date Worked will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. – Entries on an all zero account in the timecard must be removed to ensure successful extract of hours from TIM to the Payroll system. Terminations
36 TIM Termination Actions in TIM Employees will appear as active in TIM until the termination action has been executed or the Job End Date has passed in ConnectCarolina. Hours must not be entered in TIM on dates when the employee does not or will not have an active position in ConnectCarolina. Termination payouts must be processed in the pay period in which the employee is terminated. After the timecard when the termination was effective has been signed off, you will NOT be able to process leave payouts in TIM. Terminations
37 TIM Termination Actions in TIM- EPA For EPA terminations occurring within the current month, leave payouts must be entered in TIM by the deadline communicated to TIM Administrators each month. EPA leave payouts entered on dates that are not in the current month, and EPA leave payout entries made in TIM after the deadline will not be extracted. Terminations
38 TIM UNC-CH/Dept No/Manager PID/000/ /000000/Position # Reading the Account Number In TIM Reading the Account Number In TIM Timecard in TIM Summary
39 TIM Summary - Zero Account in TIM When a position is not active in the biweekly pay period in TIM due to late approval/execution in ConnectCarolina, hours will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. Hours entered before the effective date will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. Entries made effective after the Last Date Worked will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard. Summary
40 TIM Summary To ensure timely payment, you must hire employees successfully in ConnectCarolina within the week they start work. Timely payment cannot be guaranteed for employees hired in ConnectCarolina after the biweekly pay period has ended. The effective date of a new hire or rehire action in ConnectCarolina must be the first date the employee can have hours worked applied to the new position in their timecard in TIM. Hours worked entered on dates before the effective date will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard and must be removed. Summary
41 TIM Summary Managers or TIM Administrators must select the correct secondary position number that is assigned to that particular employee in ConnectCarolina when making a transfer to a secondary position in the timecard. When making a transfer, all of the positions that are assigned to that Manager or TIM Administrator are listed in TIM, so they must be careful to select the correct position number to ensure payment. For terminating employees, dates worked and leave payouts entered in TIM must be on or before the Last Date Worked. Hours worked entered on dates after the last date worked will not be assigned to a position number but will instead appear on an all zero account in the timecard and must be removed. Summary
42 TIM Summary Termination leave payouts must be processed in the pay period in which the employee is terminated. After the timecard when the termination was effective has been signed off, you will NOT be able to process leave payouts in TIM. For EPA terminations occurring within the current month, leave payouts must be entered in TIM by the deadline communicated to TIM Administrators each month. EPA leave payouts entered on dates that are not in the current month, and EPA leave payout entries made in TIM after the deadline will not be extracted. Summary