1 Association of Issuing Bodies Phil Moody (Secretary General) Ankara – 28 April 2006 Setting up a National Framework
2 Setting up a national framework 1.Form a National Team (market parties & service providers) 2.Appoint an Issuing Body 3.Appoint Issuing Body’s agents (if necessary): Production Registrar (validates generation plant) Production Auditor (audits plant) Central Monitoring Office (keeps the records) 4.Prepare national documentation 5.Gain the approval of Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) 6.Put registry systems in place 7.Start issuing and transferring certificates
3 1: Form National Team l Set up a National Team & infrastructure: Decide which certificates to support Harmonise EECS with national law & regulation Appoint and manage an Issuing Body (IB) l Issuing Bodies are responsible for: Ensuring PRO & Domain Protocol are observed locally Inspecting participating Production Devices in its area Issuing, transferring & redeeming certificates Registering ownership of certificates in a database
4 2. Appoint Issuing Body l Government or the market makes the appointment l IB must be financially independent of market parties May not profit from trade in certificates l IB applies for AIB membership Subscribes to AIB articles Provides organisational information Pays membership fee l IB applies for membership of relevant schemes RECS, RES-GoO etc
5 3: Appoint Agents Production Registrars: Production Registrars: Verify generator energy declarations are accurate Verify generators have observed PRO & Domain Protocols Production Auditors: Production Auditors: Verify & audit compliance with EECS Receive information about issued certificates from the IB Tell the IB if issued certificates exceed generation capacity Central Monitoring Office (CMO): Central Monitoring Office (CMO): −Maintains a registry of production devices & issued certificates −Records ownership of certificates Records status of certificates (transferable, redeemed, imported or exported)
6 4: Prepare National Documentation l Domain Protocol: rules supplementing the PRO for one country l Likely contents: How the Energy Declaration is verified Auditing Procedures Calculation of net energy generated Complex procedures (e.g. biomass, pumped hydro) Timing l Draft standard terms & conditions of agreement with market parties l Assemble relevant legislation l Identify areas of deviation from the PRO
7 Example: Irish domain documents Source: AIB website (
8 5: Gain Approval of AIB l Send to AIB: Draft Domain Protocol Relevant legislation Standard terms and conditions Any deviation from the PRO l Reviewers confirm DP conforms to PRO l Applicant explains unclear provisions and/or amends DP l All members consider the DP l Approval given at next General Meeting
9 6: Put Registry Systems in Place l Develop a registry, or adopt package software or service: RECSCMO(Nordic) LogActiv(UK) ETRANS(Swiss) E-Certe(Belgian) l Customise registry software as appropriate l Populate database with (e.g.) trader names, generators l Complete systems integration testing with other IBs
10 7: Start Issuing & Transferring Certificates l Generators Sign agreement with IB Open account on registry Send Energy Declaration to IB Production Registrar verifies Energy Declaration Sends meter data to IB IB issues certificates l Market Participants Open an account on registry Sellers can o request transfer of certificates o move certificates into a “redemption account”
11 Questions & Discussion 12 Broadway, Amersham, HP7 0HP, United Kingdom Tel: / Fax: