Alun Gallie Manager, Training Package Development and Implementation
What's happening with Training Packages
Guiding Principles Fit for purpose Simplify Reduce Duplication Separate guidance from standards Consistency Flexible Implementable
GSA TRAINING PACKAGES (NEW STANDARDS) Corrections Endorsed in new standards 27 th July 2015 Defence Submitted for endorsement 23 rd July 2015 Police Submitted for endorsement 23 rd July 2015 Water Expected submission for endorsement October 2015
Public Sector (PSP)
Timelines revised due to transition arrangements. Some material identified as needing review completed via Technical Reference Groups in Courts (Operations and Services) - Security (Protective, Personnel, Fraud Control) - Investigation (Regulatory Compliance) Final TRG being completed currently - Translating and Interpreting Targeting consultation for specialist material - Trade Measurement - Radiation Safety - Heavy Vehicle Road Compliance
Public Sector (PSP) Remaining material informed by issues register, scoping during 2012 review and Challenges and Capabilities report and EScan responses. Significant reduction in qualifications whilst retaining outcomes. Occupational outcomes remain obtainable through expanding generic elective banks specialisation streams vs qualifications merging of qualifications use of more appropriate qualifications from other TP
Certificate II PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP20112Certificate II in Government PSP20115Certificate II in Government
Certificate III PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP30112Certificate III in Government PSP30115Certificate III in Government PSP30212Certificate III in Government (Border Protection) Specialist Stream in PSP30312Certificate III in Government (Court Compliance) Specialist Stream in PSP30412Certificate III in Government (Land Management) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general. PSP30512Certificate III in Government (Security) Specialist Stream in PSP30612Certificate III in Government (School Support Services) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP30712Certificate III in School Support Services Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications.
Certificate IV PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP40112Certificate IV in Government PSP40115Certificate IV in Government PSP40212Certificate IV in Government (Border Protection) Specialist stream in PSP40312Certificate IV in Government (Court Compliance) PSP40215Certificate IV in Court OperationsCompliance stream PSP40412Certificate IV in Government (Court Services) PSP40215Certificate IV in Court OperationsServices stream PSP40512Certificate IV in Government (Financial Services) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP40612Certificate IV in Government (Fraud Control) PSP40315Certificate IV in Government SecurityFraud Control stream PSP41112Certificate IV in Government (Occupation Health and Safety) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP41212Certificate IV in Government (Project Management) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP41412Certificate IV in Government (Statutory Compliance) PSP40415Certificate IV in Government Investigations Regulatory Compliance stream PSP41512Certificate IV in Government (Investigations) PSP40415Certificate IV in Government Investigations PSP41612Certificate IV in Government (Security) PSP40315Certificate IV in Government Security PSP41712Certificate IV in Government (Personnel Security) PSP40315Certificate IV in Government SecurityPersonnel vetting stream
Certificate IV PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP41812Certificate IV in Government (Road Transport Compliance) PSP40715Certificate IV in Heavy Vehicle Road Compliance PSP41912Certificate IV in Government (School Support Services) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP42012Certificate IV in School Support Services Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP42112Certificate IV in Government (Revenue Administration) Specialist Stream in PSP42212Certificate IV in Government (Workplace Relations) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP42312Certificate IV in Government (Trade Measurement) PSP40515Certificate IV in Trade Measurement PSP42412Certificate IV in Government (Procurement and Contracting) PSP40615Certificate IV in Procurement and Contracting
Diploma PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP50112Diploma of Government PSP50115Diploma of Government PSP50212Diploma of Government (Community Capacity) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under PSP50312Diploma of Government (Court Services) PSP50215Diploma of Court Operations PSP50512Diploma of Government (Financial Services) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under or other TP qualifications. PSP50612Diploma of Government (Fraud Control) PSP50715Diploma of Government Fraud Control PSP50812Diploma of Government (Human Resources) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP50912Diploma of Government (Injury Management) Specialist Stream in PSP51012Diploma of Government (Land Administration) Deleted. No use. PSP51112Diploma of Government (Management) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications.
Diploma PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP51212Diploma of Government (Occupational Health and Safety) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP51312Diploma of Government (Project Management) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP51412Diploma of Government (Policy Development) Specialist Stream in PSP51712Diploma of Government (Investigation) PSP50415Diploma of Government Investigation PSP51812Diploma of Government (Security) PSP50315Diploma of Government Security PSP51912Diploma of Government (Workplace Inspection) Specialist Stream in PSP52012Diploma of Government (Rail Safety Regulation) Deleted. No use. PSP52112Diploma of Government (Workplace Relations) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general or other TP qualifications. PSP52212Diploma of Government (Trade Measurement) PSP50515Diploma of Trade Measurement PSP52312Diploma of Translating PSP52412Diploma of Interpreting PSP52512Diploma of Government (Procurement and Contracting) PSP50615Diploma of Procurement and Contracting PSP52612Diploma of Government (Road Transport Compliance) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general. No use.
Advanced Diploma and Graduate Certificates PSP12 Qualification PSP Qualification CodeTitle CodeTitleComments PSP60112Advanced Diploma of Government PSP60115Advanced Diploma of Government PSP60312Advanced Diploma of Government (Financial Management) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under and other training packages. PSP60412Advanced Diploma of Government (Human Resources) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under and other training packages. PSP60512Advanced Diploma of Government (Management) Deleted. Streams incorporated into PSP General outcomes achievable under PSP60115 and other training packages. PSP60612Advanced Diploma of Government (Occupational Health and Safety) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under and other training packages. PSP60912Advanced Diploma of Government (Workplace Inspection) Specialist stream in PSP60115 PSP61012Advanced Diploma of Translating PSP61112Advanced Diploma of Interpreting PSP61212Advanced Diploma of Government (Procurement and Contracting) PSP60615Advanced Diploma of Procurement and Contracting PSP61312Advanced Diploma of Government (Road Transport Compliance) Deleted. Outcomes achievable under general. No use. PSP80112Vocational Graduate Certificate in Government (Strategic Procurement) PSP80115Graduate Certificate in Strategic Procurement PSP80212Vocational Graduate Certificate in Radiation Safety PSP80215Graduate Certificate in Radiation Safety.
Public Sector (PSP) Material undergoing internal quality assurance and validation. Training Package Content Management system data entry. Final draft material online early October. Draft of Case for endorsement and reported being worked on. Aiming for late November submission. Possible March 1016 endorsement – followed by implementation period.
Companion Volumes All packages in new format have implementation guide and foundations skills guide Some packages (based on industry needs) also have assessment and knowledge guides. Material currently accessible in online ‘wiki’ style format Arrangements being made for transition of material.
The Future Current IRG structures remain current for transition SSOs and coverage still to be finalised ISCs undertaking transition with Department to ensure all appropriate materials maintained ISCs contract as ISCs end 31 st December. GSA will cease operations in December.