AIMS2015 Artificial Intelligence Modelling and Simulation 3th IEEE international conference on Artificial Intelligence Modelling and Simulation 2 – 4 December, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia Opening Words of Thanks: Prof Dr David Al-Dabass, General Chair Assoc. Prof Dr Ismail Saad, Conference Chair
AIMS2015 Words of thanks: Prof David Al-Dabass, general chair Assoc Prof Ismail Saad, Conference Chair Conferences coming up This conference
Thanks are due to . Authors, from 23 countries. Number of Published papers by country of 1st author: Malaysia-15, India-11, Japan-7, Germany- 5, Indonesia-5, Australia-3, China-3, Norway-3, Saudi Arabia-3, Singapore-3, Iran-2, Nigeria-2, Pakistan-2, South Africa-2, UAE- 2, Hungary-1, Iraq-1, Korea-1, Lebanon-1, Philippines-1, Taiwan-1, Ukraine-1, United Kingdom-1. Total= 76 papers. Local arrangements chair Asoc Prof Ismail Saad and his team EUROSIM and its national societies notably in UK, Hungary, taly, Spain, Germany, Norway for active support IEEE Spain section, UK & RI section and Prof Frank Wang and IEEE Region 8 for support and technical sponsorship. Prof Yong-Meng TEO and Prof Vitaliy Mezhuyev, our keynote speaker UK Simulation Society and Asia Modelling and Simulation partners.
Conferences Coming up soon Call for Papers ISMS2016 Intelligent Systems, Modelling & Simulation Bangkok, 25 – 27 January Website: http:// Submission deadline: 1 January 2016
AIMS2015 Papers published: 76 Scheduled for presentation: 65 + 2 keynote speaker Published by Track Image, Speech and Signal Processing 11 Robotics, Cybernetics, Engineering, Manufacturing and Control 8 Methodologies, Tools and Operations Research 7 Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks, mobicast, sensor placement, target tracking Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems 6 Evolutionary Computation 5 Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics and Bioengineering 4 each Data and Semantic Mining Intelligent Systems and Applications Industry, Business, Management, Human Factors and Social Issues 3 each Control of Intelligent Systems and Control Intelligence Energy, Power, Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping and Marine Simulation Performance Engineering of Computer & Communication Systems Circuits, Sensors and Devices 2 each Games/VR and Visualization Emergent Technologies Hybrid and Soft Computing e-Science and e-Systems Discrete Event and Real Time Systems Natural Language Processing/Language Technologies Parallel, Distributed and Software Architectures and Systems 1 each
AIMS2015 Day-1: Keynote-1: Prof Yong-Meng TEO Modelling and Simulation in Experimental Cybersecurity Research Day-2: Keynote-2: Prof Vitaliy Mezhuyev Metamodelling Approach for Modelling Domains with Different Mathematical Structures
AIMS2015 Day-1: Wednesday 2 December - Full day, 8.15am – 6.35pm, lunch 12.05pm Conference dinner: 7.30pm, book at Desk Day-2: Thursday 3 December - Half day, 8.15am – 12.45, lunch 12.50pm Day-3: Friday 4 December: Social Program free time to explore heritage, culture and history of Kota Kinabalu and Sabah
Important Information Room A: Plenary sessions Room B: next door Refreshments, outside this room: Day-1: 9.30 – 9.45am, 3.45pm – 3.55pm Day-2: 10.30 – 10.45 Lunch at the restaurant, ground floor: Day-1: 12.05 – 1.05pm Day-2: 12.50 – 2pm Dinner: Day-1, 7.30 – 10pm, book at desk by lunch time today
Prof Yong-Meng TEO Modelling and Simulation in Experimental Cybersecurity Research - Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore * Head: Information Technology Unit and the Computer Systems Research Group. * Visiting Professor: Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2010. - Fellow of the Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance from 2002-2006. Master and PhD, both in Computer Science, from University of Manchester in UK. - Research interests: parallel & distributed computing Current projects: i) performance analysis of large systems, ii) cloud computing and iii) composability theory and its validation. Held various visiting positions at MIT (USA), KTH (Sweden), Hitachi Central Research Lab (Japan) among others.
Keynote –2: Prof Vitaliy Mezhuyev Metamodelling Approach for Modelling Domains with Different Mathematical Structures 1997, BS and MS degrees in physics and informatics, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (BSPU), Ukraine. 2002, Ph.D. in Physics and Teaching Physics, Kiev National Pedagogical University. 2012, Sc.D. in Information Technologies, Odessa National Technical University, Ukraine. 2004, Head of the Department of Informatics and Software Engineering at BSPU, Ukraine. Now: Visiting professor, Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang. Current research interests: formal methods, model-driven software engineering, metamodeling and the design of cyber-physical systems.
Conferences in 2016 ISMS2016: 25 – 27 January, Bangkok UKSim2016: 6 – 8 April, Cambridge, UK SIMS2016: 1 - 3 June, Riga, Latvia CICSyN2016: 25 - 27 July, Kuala Lumpur EMS2016: 7 – 9 September, Pisa AIMS2016: 25 – 27 October, Madrid AMS2016/CIMSim2016: 5 - 7 December, Kota Kinabalu
AIMS2015 - Closing Remarks AIMS2016 Madrid