My World Travel By: Ryan, 5C
Surabaya- Singapore I left Surabaya at, Monday, 13 th August 2012, AM. It took 1 hours 54 minutes to travel from Surabaya to Singapore. Singapore 1 hour ahead of Surabaya. I will stay for 1 night in Singapore. I will arrive at, AM = 13.27, = 01.27, 13 th August 2012 PM PM = = = PM Tuesday 14 th August 2012 So I will arrive at 01.27, 13 th August 2012 PM. And I will leave Singapore at PM Tuesday 14 th August 2012.
Singapore- Kuala Lumpur I left Kuala Lumpur at Tuesday, 14 th August 2012, PM. I take 2 hours and 26 minutes to rest. It took 28 minutes to go to Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur is the Same time as Singapore. Stay for three nights at Kuala Lumpur. I will arrive at Kuala Lumpur at 01.27PM = PM = = PM Tuesday, 14 th August (3 x 24.00) = = = = PM, Friday 17 th August So I will arrive at Kuala Lumpur at PM Tuesday, 14 th August And I will leave Kuala Lumpur at PM, Friday 17 th August 2012.
Kuala Lumpur- Shanghai I left Kuala Lumpur at Friday 17 th August 2012, PM I take 1 hour and 34 minutes to eat and rest. It took 4 hours and 50 minutes to go to Kuala Lumpur. Shanghai is the same time as Kuala Lumpur. I will stay in Shanghai at Stay for 5 nights. I will arrive at Shanghai at PM = = PM = PM Friday 17 th August PM + (5 x 24.00) = = = = = = PM Wednesday 22 nd August So I will arrive in Shanghai at PM Wednesday 22 nd August And I will leave Shanghai at PM Wednesday 22 nd August 2012.
Shanghai- Seoul I left Shanghai at Thursday 23 rd August 2012, AM I take 4 hours and 10 minutes to sleep. It took 1 hour and 20 minutes to go to Seoul. Seoul is 1 hour ahead of Shanghai. I will stay in Seoul for 1 week. I will arrive at ( PM) = AM AM = AM Thursday 23 rd August (7 x 24.00)= = = = = = = = AM, Thursday 30 th August So I will arrive in Seoul at AM Thursday 23 rd August And I will leave Seoul at AM, Thursday 30 th August 2012.
Seoul- Tokyo I left Shanghai at Thursday 30 th August 2012, AM I take 2 hours and 50 minutes to rest. It took 1 hour 41 minutes to go to Tokyo. Tokyo is the same time as Seoul. I will stay in Tokyo for 4 days. I will arrive at AM = AM AM = = = PM Thursday 30 th August PM + (4 x 24.00) = = = = = PM, Monday 3 rd September 2012 So I will arrive in Tokyo at PM Thursday 30 th August And I will leave Tokyo at PM Thursday 30 th August 2012.
Tokyo- New Delhi I left Tokyo at Monday 3 rd September 2012, PM. I take 1 hour and 28 minutes to rest. It took 7 hours and 32 minutes to go to New Delhi. New Delhi is 3 hours and 30 minutes behind Tokyo. I will stay in New Delhi for 12 hours. I will arrive at = PM = PM = PM Monday 3 rd September PM = AM Tuesday September 4 th So I will arrive in New Delhi at PM Monday 3 rd September And I will leave New Delhi at AM Tuesday September 4 th 2012.
New Delhi- Cape Town I left New Delhi at Tuesday 4 th September 2012, AM. I take 47 minutes to rest. It took 11 hours 57 minutes to go to Cape Town. Cape Town is 3 hours 30 minutes behind New Delhi. I will stay in Cape Town for 5 days. I will arrive at = AM = = PM = PM Tuesday 4 th September PM + (5 x 24.00) = = = = = = PM Sunday, 9 th September 2012 So I will arrive in Cape Town at PM Tuesday 4 th September And I will leave New Delhi at PM Sunday, 9 th September 2012.
Cape Town- Johannesburg I left Cape Town at PM, Sunday 9 th September I take 18 minutes to pack up. It took 1 hour and 49 minutes to go to Johannesburg. Johannesburg and Cape Town has no time differences. I will stay in Johannesburg for 6 days. I will arrive at = PM PM = = PM Sunday 9 th September (6 x 24.00)= = = = = = = PM Saturday, 15 th September So I will arrive in Johannesburg at PM Sunday 9 th September And I will leave Johannesburg at PM Saturday, 15 th September 2012.
Johannesburg- Nairobi I left Johannesburg at PM, Saturday 15 th September 2012 I take 33 minutes to eat. It took 3 hours 47 minutes to go to Nairobi. Nairobi is 1 hour ahead of Johannesburg. I will stay in Nairobi for halve a day. I will arrive at = PM PM = PM = PM, Saturday 15 th September PM = = AM, Sunday 16 th September So I will arrive in Nairobi at PM, Saturday 15 th September And I will leave Nairobi at AM, Sunday 16 th September 2012.
Nairobi- Bamako I left Nairobi at PM, Sunday 16 th September I take 2 hours and 39 minutes to rest. It took 6 hours 34 minutes to go to Bamako. Bamako is 3 hours behind Nairobi. I don’t stay in Bamako. I will arrive at AM = – 12.00= PM = PM – 03.00= PM Sunday 16 th September So I will arrive in Bamako at PM Sunday 16 th September And I will leave Bamako at PM Sunday 16 th September 2012.
Bamako- Bangui I left Bangui at AM, Monday 17 th September I take 8 hours and 47 minutes to sleep. It took 3 hours 32 minutes Bangui is 1 hour ahead of Bamako I don’t stay in Bangui I will arrive at PM = AM AM = AM = AM Monday 17 th September So I will arrive in Bangui at AM Monday 17 th September And I will leave Bangui at AM Monday 17 th September 2012.
Bangui- Frankfurt I left Bangui at AM, Monday 17 th September I take 12 minutes to pack up. It took 6 hours 41 minutes to go to Frankfurt. Frankfurt is 1 hour ahead of Bangui. I will stay in Frankfurt for 1 day and a halve. I will arrive at = AM = – 12.00= PM = PM Monday 17 th September ( )= – 24.00= = AM Wednesday 19 th September So I will arrive in Frankfurt at PM Monday 17 th September And I will leave Frankfurt AM Wednesday 19 th September 2012.
Frankfurt- Paris I left Frankfurt at AM, Wednesday 19 th September 2012 I take 6 hours and 52 minutes to sleep. It took 44 minutes to go to Paris. Paris is the same time as Frankfurt. I will stay in Paris for 8 days. I will arrive at = AM = AM = AM Wednesday 19 th September AM + (8 x 24.00)= – 24.00= = = = = = = = AM, Thursday 27 th September So I will arrive in Paris at AM Wednesday 19 th September And I will leave Paris at AM, Thursday 27 th September 2012.
Paris- Barcelona I left Paris at AM, Thursday 27 th September I take 30 minutes to rest. It took 1 hour and 15 minutes to go to Barcelona. Barcelona is the same time as Paris. I will stay in Barcelona for 2 days. I will arrive at AM = AM AM = AM = AM, Thursday September 27 th AM + (2x 24.00) = = = AM Saturday September 29 th So I will arrive in Barcelona at AM, Thursday September 27 th And I will leave Barcelona at AM Saturday September 29 th 2012.
Barcelona- Rome I left Barcelona at PM Saturday September 29 th I take 3 hours to sleep. It took 1 hour and 19 minutes to go to Rome. Rome is the same time as Barcelona. I don’t stay in Rome. I will arrive at.56 AM = = PM PM = PM = PM Saturday September 29 th So I will arrive in Barcelona at PM Saturday September 29 th And I will leave Barcelona at PM Saturday September 29 th 2012.
Rome- Oslo I left Rome at PM, Saturday September 29 th 2012 I take 2 hours 48 minutes to rest and eat. It took 2 hours 36 minutes to go to Oslo. Oslo is the same time as Rome. I will stay for 4 days. I will arrive at PM = PM PM = PM = PM Saturday September 29 th PM + (4 x 24.00) = = = = = PM, Wednesday, 3 rd October So I will arrive in Oslo at PM Saturday September 29 th 2012 And I will leave Oslo at PM, Wednesday, 3 rd October 2012.
Oslo- Los Angles I left Oslo at PM, Wednesday October 3 rd I take 26 minutes to rest. It took 11 hours and 5 minutes to go to Los Angles. Los Angles is 9 hours behind Oslo. I will stay for 5 days. I will arrive at PM = PM PM = AM – 09.00= AM Wednesday 4 th October ( 5 x 24.00)= = = = = = =00.10 AM Monday, 9 th October So I will arrive in Los Angles at AM Wednesday 4 th October And I will leave Los Angles at AM Monday, 9 th October 2012.
Los Angles- Clarksville City I left Los Angles at AM, Monday 9 th October I take 2 hours and 26 minutes to prepare for flight. It took 2 hours 51 minutes to go to Clarksville City. Clarksville City is 2 hours ahead of Los Angles. I will stay for halve a day. I will arrive at AM = AM = AM = AM Monday 9 th October = = So I will arrive in Clarksville City at AM Monday 9 th October And I will leave Clarksville City at PM, Monday 9 th October 2012.
Clarksville City- New York City I left Clarksville City at PM, Monday 9 th October I take 2 hours 35 minutes to rest. It took 2 hours and 41 minutes to go to New York City. New York City is 1 hour ahead of Clarksville City. I will stay for a week. I will arrive at = = = PM = PM Tuesday October10 th (7 x 24.00) = = = = = = = = AM Tuesday October 17 th So I will arrive in New York City at PM Tuesday October10 th And I will leave New York City at AM Tuesday October 17 th 2012.
New York City- Phoenix I left New York City at AM, Tuesday October I take 4 hours and 24 minutes to rest. It took 4 hours 30 minutes to go to Phoenix. Phoenix is 3 hours behind New York City. I will Stay for 1and a halve day. I will arrive at = AM AM = AM – 03.00= AM, Tuesday October 17 th ( )= – 24.00= = PM, Wednesday October 18 th So I will arrive in New York City at PM Tuesday October10 th And I will leave New York City at AM Tuesday October 17 th 2012.
Phoenix- Honolulu I left Phoenix at PM, Wednesday October 18 th I take 1 hour 25 minutes to prepare. It took 6 hours to go to Honolulu Honolulu is three hours behind Phoenix I will stay for 5 days. I will arrive at = PM PM = AM-03.00= AM, Thursday October 19 th (5 x 24.00) = = = = = = AM Tuesday 24 th October So I will arrive in Honolulu at AM, Thursday October 19 th And I will leave Honolulu at AM Tuesday 24 th October 2012.
Honolulu- Buenos Aires I left Phoenix at PM, Wednesday October 18 th I take 1 hour 25 minutes to prepare. It took 6 hours to go to Honolulu Honolulu is three hours behind Phoenix I will stay for 5 days. I will arrive at = PM PM = AM-03.00= AM, Thursday October 19 th (5 x 24.00) = = = = = = AM Tuesday 24 th October So I will arrive in Honolulu at AM, Thursday October 19 th And I will leave Honolulu at AM Tuesday 24 th October 2012.
Buenos Aires- Rio De Janeiro I left Buenos Aires at AM, Wednesday 25 th October I take 3 hours and 44 minutes to rest. It took 2 hours and 44 minutes to go to Rio De Janeiro. Rio De Janeiro is the same time as Buenos Aires. I will stay for 2 days. I will arrive at = AM = = = PM Wednesday 25 th October PM + (2 x 24.00) = = = PM Friday 27 th October So I will arrive in Rio De Janeiro at PM Wednesday 25 th October And I will leave Rio De Janeiro at PM Friday 27 th October 2012.
Rio De Janeiro- Lima I left Rio De Janeiro at PM Friday 27 th October I take 2 hours 28 minutes to rest. It took 4 hours 48 minutes to go to Lima Lima is 2 hours behind Rio De Janeiro I will stay for 2 days. I will arrive at PM = PM = PM – 02.00= PM Friday 27 th October So I will arrive in Lima at PM Friday 27 th October And I will leave Lima at PM Friday 27 th October 2012.
Lima- Cape Town I left Lima at PM, Friday 27 th October I take 2 hours 46 minutes to rest and eat. It took 12 hours 32 minutes to go to Cape Town. Cape Town is 7 hours ahead of Lima. I will not stay. I will arrive at PM = PM = = AM = = PM Saturday 28 th October So I will arrive in Cape Town at PM Saturday 28 th October And I will leave Cape Town at 5.56 PM Saturday 28 th October 2012.
Cape Town- Surabaya I Cape Town at PM, Saturday 28 th October I take 1 Hour 23 minutes to rest. It took 12 hours 51 minutes to go to Surabaya. Surabaya is 5 hours ahead of Cape Town. I will not stay. I will arrive at PM = PM = AM Sunday 29 th October So I will arrive in Surabaya AM Sunday 29 th October AND MY JOURNEY ENDS HERE.