Regional Perspectives on Digital Disaster Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
Identification of next steps for Caribbean countries regarding WSIS Plan of Action and Improved policy making capacity in the area of information and communications technology for development (ICT4Dev); A re-positioning of ICT strategic planning within the framework of national development planning Increased understanding of the context for which ICT policies are being developed Regional best case examples. Source: ECLAC – Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean Expected Outcome of the Caribbean ICT Policy Makers Seminar in Barbados e-LAC 2007
Strengthen the regional and international interconnection of digital information networks for disaster prevention, while considering regional administration and coordination of assistance in the event of disasters Source: ECLAC, E-LAC 2007 e-LAC 2007, Action Item 18
Information Wikipedia: Information is a potentially or actually exisiting useable or used pattern of matter and/or form of engery that is relevant to an observer within a defined context. Disaster-Related
To reach a defined addressee To be relevant To be on time To be reliable To be multi-sourced To be understandable To be standardized Basic Requirements for Disaster-Related Information
ICT are a powerful tool to facilitate a qualitative flow of disaster-related information. The application of ICT in disaster management is multi-dimensional and complex.
Figure 1 Conceptual Model for ICT in Disaster Management. The model is composed of three approaches: The Cycle Approach, the Spatial Approach, and the Policy Approach Conceptual Model for ICT in Disaster Management Cycle Approach Spatial Approach Policy Approach
Figure 2 The Cycle Approach. This Partial Model Describes the Four Phases of the Disaster Management Cycle. Cycle Approach Mitigation – To reduce the probability of disaster occurrence and/or the impacts of unavoidable disasters. Preparedness - To ensure effective preparation and ability to respond to the impacts of disasters (This includes early warning systems). Response – To provide instant assistance directed towards saving lives and livelihoods. Recovery – To return to a proper level of functioning
Figure 3 The Spatial Approach This Partial Model Describes the Different Geographical Systems. Spatial Approach National and Local Systems Regional and Subregional Systems Global System
Figure 4 The Policy Approach. The Partial Model Integrates Four Requirements on Public Policies. Policy Approach International Agreements on Standards – To make data collection, information dispersal, as well as the application of ICT’S devices more effective and cost-efficient. The robustness and reliabilty of ICT’s infrastructure – To minimize infrastructure and data failure. ICT’s interoperability – To guarantee dissemination and understandability of relevant information. The incorporation of new technologies – To facilitate data and information processing and dispersion.
Evaluating the state of research Public Policies and Current State of National Platforms Enabling, strengthening and linking of Regional Platforms Global Networking and Cooperation and International Agreements on Standards Integration of New Technologies Future Challenges