1 VISSIM Protocol ITE Oregon Traffic Simulation Roundtable May 31, 2012 Chi Mai
2 Presentation Overview Background of VISSIM Use at ODOT Process for Protocol Development Chapter by Chapter of Protocol Resources for VISSIM Model Development Questions and Feedback
3 Background June 2005 – ODOT purchased VISUM and VISSIM package license through Metro June ODOT Updated VISSIM Protocol – Expanded to Include Arterials and for Statewide Use October ODOT Developed VISSIM Protocol for Freeways First Project Submittal Using VISSIM Since Adoption of Updated VISSIM Protocol - Sketch level analysis for I-5 Rose Quarter Project - Corridors Bottleneck Operations Study Use of VISSIM Increased - CRC - Airport Way Interchange - Sunrise - OR43 Streetcar - Milwaukie Light-Rail - Operational Corridors - Beltline Hwy Ramp Meter Study
4 Development Process in Updated Protocol Review lessons learned
5 Lessons Learned from First Protocol More detail on the process of developing VISSIM projects Is VISSIM the right tool? Project scoping details Check-in points Wanted to develop something that was consistent with FHWA guidelines ODOT could benefit from protocols specific to arterials and for statewide use
6 Development Process in Updated Protocol Review lessons learned Interview other government agencies
7 Lessons Learned about VISSIM Don’t work in parallel Review process should include as many check-in points as possible Software is always evolving and consultants are learning VISSIM along with agencies VISSIM has vast capabilities, however, budget and schedule are often the contraint
8 Development Process in Updated Protocol Review lessons learned Interview other agencies Researched for similar documents
9 Development Process in Updated Protocol Review lessons learned Interview other agencies Researched for similar documents Researched FHWA’s guidelines
10 Objective of Protocol Use VISSIM at the right time for the right projects Clear understanding of the project between agency and consultant from the beginning of the project Minimizing a project from evolving throughout the development Minimize back and forth
11 Development Process in Updated Protocol Review lessons learned Interview other agencies Researched for similar documents Researched FHWA’s guidelines One-day brainstorming session
12 VISSIM Project Development One-day brainstorming session led to concept of VISSIM project development process
13 Putting Together the Updated Protocol Developed outline – 10 chapters Chapter by chapter review Full draft review Final submittal of protocol All-day training on VISSIM and use of protocol
14 Note VISSIM protocol is not aimed at being a training document Intended to be a Guidance document to help ODOT develop successful VISSIM projects
15 Ch 1 - Project Understanding Stimulates thoughts and understanding on project between ODOT and consultants up-front Gives ODOT the means to help determine the appropriate analysis tools for projects Smooths process for both ODOT and consultant The result of this chapter is the Project Problem Statement
16 Ch 2 – Project Scoping The result of this chapter is the development of the Project Methods and Assumptions document which outlines: Project Boundary/Study Period Analysis Tools Being Used Scheduling/Staffing Plan Data Collection Plan Calibration Targets Measures of Effectiveness
17 Ch 3 - Data Collection What data is needed and how it should be collected? Data check-in points were added based on previous experience of lack of providing it soon enough Provides an idea of essential data and project specific additional recommended data
18 Project Specific Data Collection Streetcar Project (arterial) – Detailed Transit Data Detailed Bike and Pedestrian Data Signal Timing Data Freeway Model – Spot Speed Data Ramp Meter Rates Bottleneck Locations
19 Ch 4 - Model Development Develop standards for overall model development Allow for modeler the ability to deviate from the guidelines (need to document deviations) More detailed standards for ramp meters More detailed standards for roundabouts Standards for vehicle fleet setup (AASHTO standard vehicles) Provide a better understanding of conflict points vs. priority rules
20 Model Development CHECK-IN POINTS! Identify problems before too far into the project: Geometry Volumes Control Coding Data Collection Points
21 Ch 5 - Error Correction Checklist to help modeler Review animation Error files
22 Ch 6 - Calibration Essential calibration and project specific calibration parameters to use Calibration targets outlined in the beginning of the project and those targets are fixed! Minimum number of simulation runs formula Deliverables: Base calibrated model Calibrated Methodology and Results Report
23 Ch 7 - Additional Base Year Scenarios Additional base year model with different time period can be developed at this time Ensure that work is not done in parallel
24 Ch 8 - Alternatives Specifies the following order of work delivery: Future No-Build traffic volumes Future No-Build model with corresponding documentation Future Build scenarios traffic volumes Future Build models with corresponding documentation
25 VISSIM Project Development
26 Ch 9 - Reporting Guidance of what both ODOT and consultant are expected to do with model output data Post processing details and examples Guidelines to help both consultant and ODOT where needed: 95th Percentile Queue V/C Ratio – not typical output from VISSIM Emission Delay and HCM compliance Sample Report Format
27 Ch 10 - Reviewing How do we minimize the back and forth? ODOT wanted a check-list Helps consultant know what will be reviewed and how it will be reviewed Helps ODOT know what to look for Helps both have an understanding of level of effort and time frame that will be needed
28 VISSIM Protocol ODOT Analysis Procedures Manual Addendum C Consistent with FHWA’s Traffic Analysis Toolbox Manuals Provides ODOT expectations, guidelines, and requirements when considering use of VISSIM as an analysis tool Shall be followed on all VISSIM analysis for ODOT studies and projects
29 Resources for VISSIM Model Development Metro DTA Model Traffic Simulation Roundtable INRIX Data
30 INRIX Data Another source of data for VISSIM calibration ODOT purchased Data Can be shared with other public agencies Available to consultants for work on ODOT projects Data is very rich inside Metro area ODOT looking into purchasing more data and the Analytics Suite
31 Questions and Feedback?