Outdoor Play What can children learn outdoors? Adapted from The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, 2010
Outdoor Learning Promotes… Social-Emotional Motor Language & Literacy Cognitive
Creating the Environment Hang bird feeders Grow plants Have balls of different sizes Have bubble solution and a variety of wands A parachute Use chalk outside Paint on an easel or paint with water on the building Plastic pies and elbows for water and sand play Create crates for special activities such as a camping crate, building crate, painting crate, digging crate
Climbing Ball skills -throw, kick, catch, bounce Obstacle course Invite a friend to work or play together Sharing Following safety rules Social Emotional & Motor
Language & Literacy Listen to the outside sounds and imitate them Names of insects, birds plants, vehicles, play toys Look for signs Descriptors like fuzzy, dirty, sticky, wet, shiny, fast, slow, hard Ask questions, talk about how to do something
Find bugs, leaves, pine cones, seeds Watch bubbles floating, plants growing and the seasons changing Observe weather and seasonal changes Use a magnifying glass to look more closely at what is outside. Cognitive
Teaching staff roles Introduce new vocabulary, model correct grammar, and encourage conversation Talk about and demonstrate concepts such as size, color, location, and sequence Use open-ended questions to prompt children to name, describe, and explain Scaffold interactions between children to support sharing, turn-taking, negotiation, and problem-solving Teach specific skills when needed