Annual Report 2011 PBF JP 2 SC 14 February 2012
OBJECTIVES and OUTCOME The objective of JP2 is to address the core issues of protection with a focus on the protection of women and children from all forms of violence, especially gender based violence and protection from all forms of harm and abuse for children. Outcome: Women and children are empowered to overcome specific post-conflict hardship (e.g. psychical and economic security, political participation) and to end gender-based violence and discrimination
HIGH LIGHT OF RESULTS 2011 JP Key achievements 3,320 GBV survivors received psychosocial care and support 251 community dialogues on GBV, gender equality and non discrimination were held in all the seven districts. The dialogues were aimed at a lasting solution to GBV. 58 communities agreed on child norms on child protection
HIGH LIGHT OF RESULTS 2011 JP Key achievements Targeted officials in 4 out of 7 districts received training in Gender and Equity budgeting The referral pathway was updated and disseminated in targeted districts by UNICEF and UNFPA IPs 4,519 child survivors received psychosocial care and support ARC and ACORD engaged with the media to build their capacity to report in a gender responsive manner
HIGH LIGHT OF RESULTS 2011 JP Key achievements The 7 districts are using the mechanism for regular collection and documentation of incidents of child protection 208 community dialogues and mobilizations session on child’s rights and GBV have been held by War Child Consortium, Children as Peacebuilders, district officials and Faith Based Organisations in different sub-counties of the 7 districts of Acholi.
HIGH LIGHT OF RESULTS 2011 JP Key achievements The mapping of child protection service providers was completed 50 members of the District Local Council in Gulu have been trained by ANPCCAN on child protection and to include child protection activities in district planning and budgeting
CHALLENGES Some cases of sexual violence are still not being reported on time It is difficult to get couples to attend community dialogue sessions Police are understaffed in some sub-county posts, officers on the ground are overwhelmed in dealing with cases of survivors Girls and women especially those who have been affected by armed conflict are yet to receive full support for their recovery and reintegration.
LESSONS LEARNED The importance of working with local authorities during the community dialogues as they have a role in monitoring action plans agreed upon during the dialogues The need to strengthen coordination between NGOs and local government
PRIORITY ACTIONS 2012 Both UNICEF and UNFPA will implement strategies to accelerate JP 2 UNICEF will extend support for integration also for children who have returned before 2011 and who are already reunified with family and community in order to achieve the planned target.