{ What is non-fiction ? Reading and writing non-fiction
Today we start focusing on non-fiction. Most of the writing you read every day and in your life is non-fiction. Brainstorm a few examples : After the class has made a list, click this link. sh/reading/deduction/read1.shtml sh/reading/deduction/read1.shtml sh/reading/deduction/read1.shtml There are many types of literature
nonfiction-power-point nonfiction-power-point nonfiction-power-point Let’s check out this power point. What is the difference between fiction and non- fiction ?
These examples are too easy for you and very young but we’ve just begun this unit, so let’s review and start off simple. Click the link below tell whether they are fiction or non- fiction. nnonp1st.cfm nnonp1st.cfm nnonp1st.cfm onnonfictionp.cfm onnonfictionp.cfm onnonfictionp.cfm The second site is slightly harder. Try this activity !
So that last slide was super easy ! Are you ready to be a Jeopardy champ ? Try the link below. You can play one player or partner up with your seat mate and challenge each other. Good luck! Try this activity!
So now that you are a jeopardy champ – have a go at this activity about finding information in non- fiction sh/reading/books sh/reading/books sh/reading/books More to try!
Spend the rest of class looking at non- fiction books and the text features ( glossaries, table of contents, charts and diagram) Reading time today is non-fiction only Done ?