Beatitudes Beatitude is defined as “a state of utmost bliss”. (Webster’s New Collegiate) It is used to refer to the list of pronouncements made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (cf. Matt.5:1-10)which begin with, “Blessed are…” They are actually pronouncements of eternal blessing by God upon those who are as described, rather than statements that those so described are “happy”.
What if Satan wrote “Beatitudes”? (not those in Matt.5- his own) Wouldn’t they be a pronouncement of things pleasing to him, as the real beatitudes manifest traits that are pleasing to God? Rom.6:16-21 Wouldn’t they lead to eternal cursing rather blessing? John 10:10
What might Satan’s “Beatitudes” be like? “Cursed are those who are too tired or too busy to spend two or three hours each week worshipping and studying with fellow Christians- they are my best workers.” cf. 1Tim.4:7-16 “Cursed are those who never find anything to do without being asked and always expect to be thanked for doing their duty- I can really use them.” Gal.6:5 > 1Cor.3:8
What might Satan’s “Beatitudes” be like? “Cursed are the overly-sensitive who stop going to church because someone hurt their feelings- they are my missionaries.” cf. 1Cor.13:5 “Cursed are the trouble makers- they shall be called my children.” cf. Rom.13:13; Prov.6:19 “Cursed are the complainers- I’m all ears to them.” Phil.2:14-15
What might Satan’s “Beatitudes” be like? “Cursed are those who are bored with church, with the mistakes of those leading worship, and with the preacher’s “dull” and “preachy” sermons- they will surely “get nothing out of the service” and that helps me.” cf. 1Pet.2:2; Eph.5:19-21 “Cursed are those church members who expect to be invited to their own assemblies- they’re part of my solutions rather than problems!” Psalm 122:1
What might Satan’s “Beatitudes” be like? “Cursed are those who gossip- for they cause strife and divisions which please me greatly.” cf.1Tim.5:13 “Cursed are those who do not give monetarily or otherwise to the work of the Lord- they’re helping me greatly.” cf.2Cor.8:1-5 “Cursed are those who say they love God, and yet hate His children (Christian or otherwise)- that’s my boy/girl!” 1John 4:7ff
What might Satan’s “Beatitudes” be like? “Cursed are all those who hear these ‘beatitudes’ of mine and only think of someone else- I’ve got you right where I want you!” Luke 18:11-14; 2Tim.3:2-5 So, which set of “beatitudes” fits you best? God’s or Satan’s?