w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Rønne, Bornholm, 7 september 2006 w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g
Why do we need a communications plan? We need to point out: Information responsibility Target groups How to communicate Relevant communication activities
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g The communications plan step-by-step Interviews Background material Circulated to and discussed by WP-leaders Steering group Put into practice at WP meetings etc Follow up
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Communication objectives Internal: Encourage participation and engagement Main objectives and main messages External: A common picture Regional political commitment Other target groups
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Target groups Internal Project partners External Politicians and decision-makers at local, regional, national, international and EU-level
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Target groups Professionals and civil servants at local, regional, international and EU-level Other maritime safety projects and initiatives Media and general public Private stakeholders
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Main messages The traffic and the risks for ship accidents in the Baltic Sea are increasing The local and regional perspectives must be more present in the decisions about maritime safety. Preparedness, prevention and marine spatial planning are of special interest. Baltic Master increases the knowledge and influence of the local and regional levels on maritime safety.
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Strategies Transparency Planned and targeted communication A human issue Use partnership contacts Communicate face-to-face
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Channels Meeting arenas: The steering group The political committee Work package leader meetings Main conferences Workshops, meetings, think tanks, training courses, round table discussions etc Meetings and conferences arranged by others
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Channels Other channels: MS Umbrella Operation Project web site Newsletter Information material Press/media
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Media relations Media contacts encouraged Co-operate with WP4 File articles, TV/radio-pieces etc - 28 articles/pieces - 12 opinion editorials/letter to the editor in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Germany
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Activities milestone 3 Specification of target groups Report on first results Milestone 4-5 Action plan on communication Support and advice Web 2 newsletters (Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec) Press kit WP=Work Package PS=Project Secretariat PC=Political Committee SG=Steering Group
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Conferences and meetings: Sept: Political Committee, European Maritime Policy hearing, BSSSC Conference in Kiel, Germany 25 Sept: Steering Group meeting in Gdansk, Poland 2-3 Oct: Motorways of the Sea seminar (MSUO) in Helsinki, Finland Oct: Baltic Master Midterm conference in Snekkersten, Denmark Autumn: Professional Development Course on ‘Integrated Coastal Zones Management’ in Gdansk (WMU) Autumn: Seminar on maritime safety issues for the Political Board of Sydsam, Malmö in November Activities milestone 3
w w w. b a l t i c m a s t e r. o r g Contact information Björn Martinsson(50 %)Daniel Sköld (100 %) PR and Communications ManagerProject Manager Region SkåneRegion Blekinge Thank you for your attention!