Beginnings of the World- The story of Creation Beginnings of Life – The Image of God Beginnings of Sin Beginnings of the Restoration (God’s Solution to.


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Presentation transcript:

Beginnings of the World- The story of Creation Beginnings of Life – The Image of God Beginnings of Sin Beginnings of the Restoration (God’s Solution to Sin) Beginnings of the History of Israel

God’s Covenants God makes several very important “covenants” with his people in Genesis that have an important impact on us as Christians and our job. Unilateral = one sided/unconditional – God is making the promise himself and he doesn’t depend on man keeping up the bargain Bilateral = two sided/conditional – God makes a promise WITH his people that if they will keep up their side of the covenant he will keep his Covenant = Special Promise

Name of Covenant Type of Covenant The PromiseWhere? The “Edenic” Covenant UnconditionalMan is charged with responsibility for multiplying, taking charge of the earth and animals, and refraining from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Penalty is death. Genesis 1:28-30 Genesis 2:16-17 The “Adamic” Covenant” UnconditionalThe consequences of sin: 1)the serpent is cursed; 2)The promise of a redeemer; 3)A changed role for women; 4)sorrow and hardship in life; 5)a shortened life-span and tragedy of death 6)loss of Eden, man must work Genesis 3 The “Noahic” Covenant Unconditional1)God will never destroy the earth with a flood again; 2)Man can eat animals; 3)Man is still in charge of protecting the earth and animals Genesis 8:21-9:17 The “Abrahamic” Covenant Unconditional1)Abraham will be the father of a “great nation” – meaning both God’s special people – the Jews, and God’s church – the whole Bible is about following these groups through their redemption. God gives his people lands that they will keep forever 2) Abraham is blessed personally and so are his descendents, 3)Those that bless Abraham will be blessed and the nations that curse him and his descendents will be cursed, 4)God confirms that he is sending a Messiah. Genesis 12:1-7 Genesis 13: Genesis 15:1-21 Genesis 22:15-18

In ExodusIn Christ Israel needed a lamb…Exodus 12:3Christ is the sacrificial lamb…John 1:29 The lamb had to be perfectExodus 12:5Jesus Christ is perfect…1 Peter 2;22 The blood of the lamb covered over IsraelExodus 12:7Christ’s blood covers our sinRomans 3:23 The Israelites were spared from death if they were under the blood Exodus 12:13 Christ’s blood saves us from being condemned by our sins Romans 5:9 Ephesians 1:7 The Israelites stayed in their house until morning Exodus 12:22 Faith in Christ must be enduring Colossians 1:22-23 The Sacrifice made it possible for the Israelites to be delivered from slavery Exodus 12:51 Jesus gave spiritual delivery from slavery to sin and the fear of death Hebrews 2:14-15

Contains the laws for the priests Only men from the tribe of Levi could be priests The Tabernacle and Sacrifice Laws were a temporary solution to the problem of sin Rules for Holy Living How to offer sacrifices

CovenantType of CovenantThe PromiseWhere? The “Palestinian” Covenant Unconditional1)Because of their disobedience God will have to scatter the Israelites across the earth. 2)God promises that he will restore Israel as a nation after a season 3)When Israel is restored they will follow God once again forever 4)The Nation of Israel will prosper Deuteronomy 30:1-10 The “Mosaic” Covenant ConditionalGod will bless Israel if they obey his laws and curse them if he does not obey his laws (the laws laid down in these five books). There are nearly 600 laws. The books of history follow Israel as they either are blessed or cursed depending on how they keep this covenant. This covenant is impossible for those with sin nature tofollow! All of the books of law and specifically : Deuteronomy 11:26-28