 Begin your bellwork on a new sheet of paper.  Day 1Culture 9/8  What do you think of when you hear the word culture?  Give at least 3 specific examples.


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Presentation transcript:

 Begin your bellwork on a new sheet of paper.  Day 1Culture 9/8  What do you think of when you hear the word culture?  Give at least 3 specific examples.

 Culture: the beliefs, customs, language, dress, and arts of a particular society, group, place, or time.

 The 7 Elements of Culture 1. Social Organization 2. Customs & Traditions 3. Religion 4. Language 5. Arts & Literature 6. Forms of Government 7. Economic Systems

 Social Organization  Family units  Friends  Work (bosses, employees, etc.)

 Customs & Traditions  Rules of behavior  Ideas of right and wrong  Clothing, leisure activities, holidays

 Religion  Answers basic questions about the meaning of life  Supports important values

 Language  The cornerstone of culture.  All cultures have a spoken language  People who speak the same language often share the same culture.  Many societies include a large number of people who speak different languages.  Each language can have several different dialects.

 Arts & Literature  Products of the human imagination.  They help us pass on the culture’s basic beliefs.

 Forms of Government  People form governments to provide for their common needs, keep order within society, and protect their society from outside threats.

 Economic Systems  How people use limited resources to satisfy their wants and needs.  Answers the basic questions: what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom.

 Day 2Culture9/9  Think of a culture you admire (Appalachian, Japanese, African, English, French, etc.) and list at least 3 things that distinguish that culture from others.

 Work in groups and use the 7 elements of culture to better define what your culture is using the handouts you’ve been given.  Be specific!  20 minutes

 How does your culture compare to the one depicted below? Use your Venn diagrams to compare & contrast.

 Day 3Culture9/10  What is the generic name you use for these beverages?

 Culture is constantly changing.  It changes through a process called “cultural diffusion.”  Cultural diffusion: the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another.

 There are 3 kinds of cultural diffusion: 1. Expansion 2. Relocation 3. Hierarchical

 Expansion - an innovation or idea that develops in a source area and remains strong there, while also spreading outward to other areas

 Relocation - an idea or innovation that migrates into new areas, leaving behind its origin or source of the cultural trait.

 Hierarchical - an idea or innovation that spreads by moving from larger to smaller places, often with little regard to the distance between places, and often influenced by social elites

 What is the most likely type of diffusion that explains the way “soda” is used across the United States?