Magnetism & Electricity. Science Notebook Format Date: Time: Title of Lesson Question: This question focuses the inquiry of the lesson. Prediction: Sometimes.


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Presentation transcript:

Magnetism & Electricity

Science Notebook Format Date: Time: Title of Lesson Question: This question focuses the inquiry of the lesson. Prediction: Sometimes the lesson calls for a prediction of the outcomes. Be sure to state your prediction in this manner: I think that…...because ….. If science words are used an explanation should follow. Vocabulary: New words and definitions to be used during the lesson. Materials: A list of the items you need to complete your investigation. Procedures: These are step by step instructions on how to complete the investigation. Observations: Drawings, descriptions, data tables, graphs showing what happened during your experiment or investigation. Conclusion: What did you learn in this inquiry? What were your findings? Be sure to answer the question posed at the beginning of the investigation. Use your vocabulary words and definitions! Also check How to Write a Powerful Conclusion.

Date: Time: Question: What is static electricity? Prediction: I think…because… Vocabulary: electricity- attract- repel- electron- Materials: balloon, string, tape Procedures: 1.Tie a piece of cereal to a string approximately 12 inches long. 2.Tape the string to your desk. 3.Rub the balloon against your clothing (to get a negative charge) then hold the balloon next to the cereal. 4.Record your observations. Static Electricity (1.e)

PROJECT 1 - Swinging cereal What you need: a hard rubber or plastic comb, or a balloon thread, small pieces of dry cereal (O-shapes, or puffed rice of wheat) What to do: 1. Tie a piece of the cereal to one end of a 12 inch piece of thread. Find a place to attach the other end so that the cereal does not hang close to anything else. (You can tape the thread to the edge of a table but check with your parents first.) 2. Wash the comb to remove any oils and dry it well. 3. Charge the comb by running it through long, dry hair several times, or vigorously rub the comb on a wool sweater. 4. Slowly bring the comb near the cereal. It will swing to touch the comb. Hold it still until the cereal jumps away by itself. 5. Now try to touch the comb to the cereal again. It will move away as the comb approaches. This project can also be done by substituting a balloon for the comb. What Happened: Combing your hair moved electrons from your hair to the comb. The comb had a negative static charge. The neutral cereal was attracted to it. When they touched, electrons slowly moved from the comb to the cereal. Now both objects had the same negative charge, and the cereal was repelled.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Date: Time: Mystery Objects Question: What kind of objects are attracted to a magnet? Predictions: I think… Vocabulary: magnetism- Materials: magnets, mystery objects Procedures: 1.Explore the classroom with your magnet (computers and electronics are off limit. 2.Observe the mystery objects without the magnet. 3.Predict which objects will be attracted to the magnet. 4.Test the mystery objects. 5.Record the results. 6.Discuss your results. Activity 1 (permanent magnets)

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Magnetic Field Date: Time: Question: How do magnets interact? Prediction: I think… Vocabulary: magnetic field- the area in which the pull of a magnet is felt. Materials: doughnut magnets, iron filings, bar magnets Procedures: 1.Construct a floating magnet. 2.Diagram your floating magnet. 3.Observe which areas of a magnet have the strongest magnetic pull. 4.Record your findings.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Building a Compass Date: Time: Question: How does a compass work? Prediction: I think… Vocabulary: compass- an instrument for determining directions with a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north. Materials: plastic cup with water styrofoam chip needle magnet manufactured compass

Procedures: 1.Find magnetic north using a compass. 2.Explore what objects might affect the compass. 3.Record your observations. 4.Rub a needle in only one direction with a magnet. 5.Stick the needle through the Styrofoam chip. 6.Place the Styrofoam in the water. 7.Find magnetic north using your compass. 8.Record your observations.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Date: Time: Motors (1.g) Activity 2 Question: How can you make a motor spin? Prediction: I think…because… Vocabulary: electricity- electric current- electric charge- Materials: D-cell motor Procedure: 1.Using your materials make the motor spin. 2.Record your observations.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Date: Time: Pathfinders Question: What is a circuit? Prediction: I think…because… Vocabulary: circuit- path along which electric current flows. open circuit- circuit in which electric current cannot flow because the path is not complete. closed circuit- complete path along which an electric current can flow. Materials: pathfinders sheet d-cell wires light bulb

Procedures: 1.Using the pathfinder sheet mark which pictures you think will make a closed circuit. 2.Share your predictions. 3.Test your predictions. Observations: See attached sheet Conclusion: I learned…

Series Circuits Date: Time: Question: What is a series circuit? Prediction: I think… Vocabulary: series circuit- a circuit with only one path for the electric current to flow. insulator- a material that does not conduct heat or electricity well. conductor- material that does conduct heat or electricity well. Materials: wires, battery holder, d-cell, symbol sheet, light bulb

Procedure: 1.Using your materials construct a series circuit. 2.Draw a diagram of your circuit. Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Date: Time: Series Circuit Part II (1.a) Activity 3a Part 1 Question: Can more than one light bulb be lit using a series circuit? Predictions: I think…because… Materials: wires circuit board d-cell switch light bulbs Procedure: 1.Using your materials try to light two light bulbs. 2.Diagram your results. 3.Construct a circuit that uses a switch. 4.Diagram your results.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Parallel Circuits Date: Time: Question: What is a parallel circuit? Prediction: I think…because… Vocabulary: parallel circuit- a circuit with more than one path for electricity to flow. Materials: wires battery holder Procedure: 1.Using your materials construct a parallel circuit. 2.Diagram your observations. D-cell light bulb

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Date: Time: Holiday Lights (1.a) Activity 3a Part 2 Question: Would a parallel circuit or a series circuit be better for holiday lights? Predictions: I think…because… Materials: wires circuit board d-cell light bulbs switch Procedures: 1.Construct a closed circuit using multiple light bulbs. 2.Diagram your results.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Testing Circuits Date: Time: Question: What is a conductor? Prediction: I think…because… Materials: D-cell, circuit board, wires, light bulbs, switch, mystery objects Procedures: 1.Predict which items will be conductors and which ones will be insulators. 2.Test your items. 3.Record your observations.

Observations: Conclusion: I learned…

Electromagnets Date: Time: Question: What is an electromagnet? Prediction: I think…because… Vocabulary: electromagnet- a temporary magnet that can be turned on and off. Materials: d-cell, wire, metal rod, metal washers or paperclips

Observations: also see attached Conclusion: I learned… Procedures: 1.Construct a simple electromagnet (5 coils). 2.Test your electromagnet. 3.Add 5 more coils to your rod. 4.Record your observations. 5.Complete your data sheet and graph.

Extension Activities : Breaking the Force Click It (Morse Code) Circuit Boards Links and Resources: united streaming

Enjoy teaching Magnetism and Electricity!