Date: 2010 Room: 2117 Energy-the ability to do work and make a change. Force-a push or pull. Friction is also a force. Work-work is force +object+ motion.


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Presentation transcript:

Date: 2010 Room: 2117

Energy-the ability to do work and make a change. Force-a push or pull. Friction is also a force. Work-work is force +object+ motion. Kinetic energy is energy that is being used. In the picture above the moving ball has kinetic energy because its energy is being released. Potential energy is stored energy, in the picture the ball on the top left is not moving yet and when it starts to move its potential energy will turn into kinetic energy.

S N The magnetic field is the area around a magnet where the force of the magnet acts or is felt. A magnet is a object that attracts other objects towards it. A magnet is only attracted to iron steel The law of magnetic attraction: states that like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

The main 3 colors are red, blue, and green. Refract: When light passes through a prism, it gets refracted or bent. Sunlight is made up of many different colors of light but all together they look white to our eyes. Another name for light that is separated is SPECTRUM. Additive color mixing: is mixing light beams because each beam of light adds its colors to the mixture. When light rays enter a prism the light refracts out the other side of the prism as all the colors of the rainbow. Orange is orange because when light hits an object that is orange all the colors reflect off the object except for orange { the orange gets absorbed. }

All the colors of the rainbow When light goes through a prism what colors come out ? Yellow, Blue & Green All the colors of the rainbow Black

R E F L E C T I O N ~ R E F L E C T I O N ~ When light hits a mirror it reflects. If it hits a mirror on a 60 degree angle it will reflect on a 60 degree angle. Light can only reflect on some objects, a mirror can reflect light because it is a smooth surface with a dark background. REFRACTION ~ REFRACTION ~ Refraction is when a light rays bend. LIGHT RAYS ~ LIGHT RAYS ~ many beams of light. CONVERGE ~ CONVERGE ~ “to come together” DIVERGE ~ DIVERGE ~ “to spread apart” CONCAVE ~ CONCAVE ~ makes you look bigger. CONVEX ~ CONVEX ~ makes you look smaller.

Yes Is sound a form of energy? No


SOUND ENERGY~ Energy that you can hear. VIBRATIONS ~ Sound is made by vibrations, the faster something vibrates the higher pitch is, when something vibrates slower the lower pitch it is. SOUND WAVES~ a motion that moves up and down or back and forth, passing energy from one point to another. VOLUME~ volume can be loud or soft. FREQUINCY~ sound can be high or low. This is called pitch a high- pitched sound moves really fast. A low- pitched sound moves very slowly.

Technology- technology is a man made device that makes life easier. ENGINEERING- Engineering is using math and science to solve problems. Engineering design process- ask question, imagine solutions, plan and create design, and improve it.