EBRI IRA Database Results and Future Research Craig Copeland, EBRI ASEC Partner’s Meeting October 20, 2010
Distribution of IRA Types by Accounts and Individuals, 2008 Note: The percentages for individuals add up to more than 100 percent, as an individual may own more than one type of IRA. Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Average IRA Balance for All Accounts and Individuals, by IRA Type, Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Median IRA Balance for All Accounts and Individuals, by IRA Type, Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Median IRA Balance for All Accounts and Individuals, by Age, Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Average and Median IRA Balance for All Accounts and Individuals, by Gender, Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Percentage of Those Owning a Traditional, Rollover, or Roth IRA Who Contributed to It and the Percentage of Those Contributing--Contributing the Maximum Allowable Amount, by All Accounts and Individuals, ContributingOf those contributing—contributing the maximum Source: EBRI IRA Database.
Average and Total Contributions and Rollovers to IRAs, Source: EBRI IRA Database.
© Employee Benefit Research Institute 2009 Extensions of IRA Database IRA Analysis Asset Allocation Longitudinal Integration with Defined Contribution Database 401(k) plans and other DC plans Combine all retirement assets across the various plan types Identify rollover activity and track assets over time across databases 9