Summer 2010 Susan T. Brown, Ph.D.
The most common form of the Equations of Fluid Dynamics that are solved for practical problems are the Navier-Stokes Equations In this internship, and in many workplace applications, you do not work with the basic equations, but with software, and with algorithms that have been developed based on discretizations, or approximations, of these equations. It is useful to go through the derivations at least once if you are going to use any software based on these equations. Why?
1. So that, as users of the software, you understand the underlying assumptions, and therefore do not misuse the software. 2. So that, as users of the software, you can set Boundary Conditions and Initial Conditions that make sense. 3. So that you use the Software in flow regimes were they are applicable. 4. So that you understand the output. 5. More?
Smolderen, J., Fundamental Equations of Fluid Dynamics, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics CN88, October “Introduction to Fluid Dynamics,” Letures from Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Dortmund, Dmitri Kuzmin,