1 Change in education is it a hard or an easy is it a hard or an easychoice?
2 How will you teach me in the 21 st Century?
MOODLE is one part of the e-learning dynamic! 3
This presentation is dedicated to my best friend John, whose Dad died on Monday 1 st July,
5 Introduction: Who is Justin? Powerpoint: Powerpoint: MOODLE:The e-learning effect works! (15 – 20 approx mins). If we can, then get onto just having a look at MOODLE How to log on: URL How to log on: URL Username password I will leave these open until July 28 th. (please use the sheet to put in your username and password) I will leave these open until July 28 th. Lets get started: Lets get started: Let’s get started and use the tools ( approx mins). Review: Review: What have we learned? (5 mins).
Justin Hyde: MOODLE Facilitator and TIC Earth and Space Science at New Plymouth Boys’ High School. I have a great passion for, e-learning, and science. 6 MOODLE the e-learning effect works! 2012 SCICON 2012, Auckland.
The History – The Beginning 7 Teaching goals inspired by MOODLE In 2009, I made some important decisions. I had only been using since November My HOD Science said have you heard of ? I was hooked, but inspired me to redesign my courses thoroughly and how I teach in my Science classes.
History part 2 – The move onward and upward 8 In 2010, I began using with year, 10 and 12 Science for the first time. This time was used to see if it has an affect on their work, results, participation and enjoyment of the course, and their exams through the year. I also began working on Year 11 course for Maori students, to improve their results and course enjoyment with my colleague in Maori Achievement. I will discuss the classes results later.
The change! Wow! 9 The results are already showing! Shy and low participators drawn into participation online and offline by. One of the best things that has to be mentioned here is the inclusiveness generates for students. I have found that the students that were shy, low participators, who kept to themselves were drawn out of their shells when working in. These students became participators in the activities on, and participated in tests, games, discussions, messaging—and improved their results overall. In fact, as a result of the environment, they participated more in the class environment and became more confident overall.
Wow what a difference for Seniors! 10 Note: Note: 2012 not available yet due to eye surgery. #MOODLE is not available for yr13 in * MOODLE operating classes. The Internal and External Standards Results for Yr 13 and Yr 12 Science from YearYr12 InternalYr 12 ExternalYr 13 InternalYr 13 External NA 2010 * *85 % * *80 % *91 % * NA
Wow, what a difference for juniors! 11 NOTE: NOTE: The results for 2012 are not complete. However, they are already exceeding * * MOODLE operating classes ** ** Not a MOODLE class colleague looked after the class while I was ICTPD lead teacher. The results are taken over the year for junior diploma assessments and the final exam. YearYr 10AExamYr10midExamYr9AExamYr9midExam 2008N/A 61%57%87%88%N/A 2009N/A 63%59%N/A 60%56% 2010 * N/A 72%68%N/A 60%**57%** 2011 * 92%100%70%85%N/A 62%71% 2012 * 100%90%N/A 91%
The Results: Wow! 12 Questions?
Results – The analysis. Cool but what does it mean? 13 My research into why works is ongoing. The Year 12 Science class are highly motivated to using the course. The results for Year 13 were high in 2011, and two of the students in the Year 13 Science class entered scholarship. The Year 11 Science class using as a Biology block course, because it covers that section of the school’s Year 11 Science course. This is being expanded to cover Chemistry and Physics.
How do the Students React? 14 makes collaborative learning fun. Learning together is one of the keys to success!
Course screen shot 15
Animation playing inside MOODLE 16
Video playing inside MOODLE 17
Interactive animation from Year 12 Science 18
Interactive game for Year 12 Science 19
Results – The next Trick. 20 Working with Māori students using as a new experience for learning. Year 11 Māori students benefit from using. The Year 11 Māori students who struggle with conventional learning methods were placed on a course created to assist my colleague Jason Ruakere. The aim was to motivate these students in the same way my Year 12 Science students have been motivated to use and get the same results by: creating greater student participation and collaboration. assisting the students to take ownership of their learning both online and in class. Over 2010 and 2011 we managed to get the pass rate for the at risk Māori students to 50%, with one student gaining 113 credits internally.
Results – Can we do any better? 21 Yes we can! By getting the students using at school and getting them successful motivates them to use it at home. changing minds to be all inclusive for students who may be either shy or disruptive. Everyone deserves the best education possible, helps, because it is non-threatening and allows learning by repetition. A concept sometimes frowned upon, but it does work. The reason it works, students need fun, and having fun, they learn. This needs to be brought over from primary to secondary, whereby, learning is fun. Enjoyment and success, no matter how small must be built on to get results in the future.
What is to come – The next move? —a new and exciting approach that changes student attitudes to learning. 22 The use of has generated positive learning attitudes and engagement by the students. Encourage students to assimilate new ideas about how they learn, and engage in the new educational realm of using tools like. Using this e-learning pedagogy, the students who experience some anxiety from setbacks experienced in class, may benefit from the new experience of directing their own learning.e-learning Using generates more positive experiences for the students, and a willingness to try new things, and learn more efficiently and effectively. This is what and e-learning is all about. This is what and e-learning is all about.
The new students – Cool but is the motivation there? 23 Getting out and presenting is the way word gets around! Keen colleagues PTA BOT Whanau Waiora The community Other schools Other schools
Transition – What new Conduits to Learning are there to use? 24 Changing the course around is it a hard or an easy Choice to make? Moving to total wireless operation by 2014 and utilising,Google apps and MUSAC online. The assistance and development pilot plan began in The goal, is to get outlines of courses ready for each participant in the target group of keen teachers. I began skeleton course building in 2011, with the goal to develop full courses with significant help from myself over 2012 and 2013, and fully operational by 2014 in my pilot programme.
Cool, but what do we do first!! 25 When I was looking at for the first time, I thought high interaction to generate participation, not only at home, but feeding back to the class and confidence building. Second lets start! The course must be very interactive information (video, animation, games, quizzes and assignments) and also informative (power points (slideshare) and documents). NOTE: The documents must have images and questions dotted through – this makes them challenging for the students. Not document dumps!!!! Collaborative learning is the key.
The future Lets 2+? 26 We are using to get teachers used to the set up and how to develop and add to their courses. The next step is to utilise the next version of ( 2.3 or 2.4). This should enable a transition for users to fine-tune teaching materials and courses, and utilise new tools available in the these versions of the LMS. The goal is to improve student expectations and results even further.
Frustrations – Hitting the Wall! 27 My aim is to provide individual help, group assistance, course-building, and course-development. I have demonstrated to all the departments at my school. The overall objective at my school, for me, is to generate better participation by students and staff, and a greater interest in learning by utilising courses within.
The Undiscovered Country 28 The use of devices will have an effect on student learning performance. Students now are very digital aware, but some are not using it as effectively as they could. We hope to change that by using full digital classes to make them utilise their digital tools more. The school will be totally wireless by 2014, and the students able to work anywhere on site. Another of my goals is to assist in this progression for the teachers. Unlike the shy students who think is great, and now work smarter. Changing teacher idioms and comfort patterns requires a paradigm shift, this an ongoing challenge currently, but I am looking forward to a bright digital future at my school.
The Digital Tools – Learning is now! 29 Student are now bringing more laptops, net books, tablets and smart phones to facilitate their learning. (We now have 250 students bring their own devices to school). Projection: Tablets are becoming the tool of choice, especially for linking to the cloud. As competition and development between companies and tablet reliability, size, battery life and screen resolution improve they will become more prevalent. Utilising more cloud technologies and document facilitation will also make a difference.
How about that – Cool, that’s the Journey so Far! 30 Access for students/teachers to quality, relevant learning resources is increased. Access to systems that recognise 'at risk' learners / learner needs, provision of mentoring, in particular, improving Maori student achievement. Opportunities for interactions, inclusion, and collaborative learning. Development of digital literacy from and Computer Science classes at year 9 upwards. Positive effect on student behaviour and attendance, they want to be there! Increased sense of school community / identity, a feeling of achieving. Involvement of parents supporting learning at home via.
Where to next? 31 NPBHS operates Facebook, Google Apps MUSAC online and. There are lots more things we can do as teachers for our students, and get our students using new tools and social media, these are just a few!
Do you know what is happening Digitally in the World right now? 32
Woohoo ! 33 To visit the NPBHS go to Whāia te iti kahurangi Ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei My aim with MOODLE for myself and my students.
How to get hold of me: 34 Thank you for being, contributing, conversing, questioning and having fun at my presentation. Hei konā LET’S ! LET’S ! Skype: justin.hyde007 MOBILE: Don’t forget your pack from me.