TUSDSTATS February 2014
To Create A Parental Access Account Parents need: Parents need the following: Parental Access Sheet: Parents need to contact their child’s school (Office Manager, Teacher or Principal) This include Matric number and Access Code. Both numbers will be needed to create your account. Parents will need an active account. A verification is sent to the address. Parental access accounts can be accessed where ever there is an internet connection. The site is secure, and information is updates as often as teacher uploads assignments and grades.
Click on/en Parents
Click Here Haz click aqui
Start Here
Step 1
Enter information from Parental Access sheet Click on “GO”
Student name school grade date of birth If this information is correct click next
Passwords must have one non-alphabetic character Parents must enter an active address to activate account.
These are the “hint” questions they can choose from Click “save” and this screen will appear
This message will be sent to your TUSDStats information for _(name of student)__ Welcome to TUSDStats. Use the link below to activate your account: nts/Activate.sldj jflld--djfldljfljf nts/Activate.sldj jflld--djfldljfljf If clicking on the link above does not work, try copying the activation code (below) and pasting into the box on the Activation page: (There will be a code of numbers and letters here) Click here to activate account
After clicking the link, your account will be activated Return back to login page, Type in username and password
The view can be changed to Spanish
Your child’s Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Teacher 6 Teacher 7 Teacher 8 Teacher 4 Teacher 5 Teacher 9
On the left menu bar, the parents can look at all the current data for their child. On the bar below, the parents can look at general information for the school or district.
Student Name
Current contact information
Teacher Name
If the child is in elementary, parents can display cumulative progress reports If the child is in 6-12 Progress reports and quarterly grades will be displayed.
If you have any questions, Please contact Educational Technology or Accountability and Research