Elizabethan Age Theatre
Origins of Elizabethan Age Named for Queen Elizabeth I of England QE was a strong supporter of the arts (literature, visual art, theater, music) Artists were supported by the nobles
Playhouses Playhouses were first located in London’s city limits James Burbage built the first playhouse: The Theater (1576) Puritans and Politicians were against playhouses because of the content and the crowds they drew
Playhouses (continued) 1597 – timber from The Theater was ferried across the Thames River to Southwark and used to build The Globe No advertising of the plays in the city – managers used flags Black – tragedy White – comedy Red - history
Playhouses (continued) Playhouses held 1500 – 3000 spectators Spectators were ferried across the river Admission cost – 1 penny to stand in the (mosh) “pits” or more to sit in the tiers 1648 – Puritans order that all playhouses be torn down 1660 – Playhouses reopen
Drama Only men were allowed to perform The parts of women were played by young boys Audiences cheered – talked to the actors – threw things at the actors Plays were performed in the afternoon Realistic costumes and special
Drama (continued) Stage was round so that the actors could directly address the audience through soliloquies and asides Heavens, trapdoors, inner and outer stage areas Natural lighting (daytime performances)