Typography The Science of Text
Fonts Style of type How many fonts in a document? Conservative--one font Typical--two fonts Use a third for emphasis
Font Types Serif Fonts Have small tails on the ends of letters Use for body text Times New Roman is a Serif Font FONT
Font Types Sans Serif Fonts Do not have small tails on the ends of letters Use for headings Arial is a Sans Serif Font
Font Types Script Fonts Resemble handwriting Use for formal invitations, etc. Monotype Corsiva is a Script font
Font Types Decorative Unique fonts used for special occasions Jokerman is a decorative font. So is chiller
Font Size Font is measured in “Points”
Font considerations A browser can only display a font that the user has on his or her system Arial and Times New Roman are safe choices Garamond or Verdana are also good choices
Type attributes Use type attributes to call attention to a word or phrase in a body text-- never use a different font Be consistent throughout your site Bold Used for headings Emphasize phrases in body
Text attributes Italics Used for emphasis Used for names of books Sometimes used for extended quotations Used to identify a word the reader may not be familiar with
Text attributes Underlining Usually indicates a hyperlink on a web page Don’t use it for any other text Blinking Text If you must use it, do it sparingly
Headlines Don’t use ALL CAPS Capitalize the first letter and all proper nouns Title case--capitalize the first letter of all words May or may not be centered Punctuation A complete sentence has normal case and punctuation
Workshop Day a Hit Workshop day a hit Workshop day is a hit. Examples
Body text Shorter line lengths are easier to read Hyphenate body text Use left aligned or justified text-- don’t use centering Setting Margins
Examples Workshop Day is always greeted with enthusiasm and interest by the educators in the South Bergen Jointure districts.
Alignment Left Right Center Justify At least 3 ways to set alignment…
Line Spacing Single Double One & a half Setting line spacing
Leading The amount of space between lines of type. Coded as 12/14 12=font size 14=leading size Use “Exactly”