1st Scandinavian Researcher Meeting in Radiography 15/12/15 1 Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
The purpose of the meeting
To get the researchers, radiographers interested in research and persons in charge of radiography R&D projects together. One of the aims for this meeting is to: Obtain an overview of activities and interests going on in each Scandinavian/Baltic countries create a researcher network in the area of R&D. 15/12/15Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences3
Need for developing the science and profession We are such a small profession, no point to invent the wheel in every country. Competition of R&D financiation – the larger and more representative the Consortium are, the better the possibilities. Need to develop the knowledgebasis of the profession. Evidence-based radiography is international. 15/12/15Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu5
We all need each others: The radiographers working in clinical practice: up to date knowledge of clinical practice development need and substance - best in implementation of R&D results People active in societies of radiographers have great networks to clinical practices, decsion makers, students – best in networking, communication and informing! Principal lecturers, lecturers and other academics of the profession – we do know how to lead and manage projects, apply for financiation and publish results => We’ll do best if we’ll join and do together what we best can! 15/12/15Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu6
So, how do we start today?
World café topics How could we activate radiographers in the field of research and development? facilitator Lecturer Juha Kurtti Helsinki Metropolia UAS 2. What is the hot topic in the field of R&D in radiography in your country/your institution? What would be one topic we could do together as a project? facilitator Bergliot Strom Bergen university college 4. Aims of the Scandinavian R&D co-operation facilitator Kerstin Hildegard Linköping University?Päivi täydennätkö 5. Possibilities of role expansion and role advancement in Scandinavia. facilitator Päivi Wood Executive manager, Society of Radiographers Finland 15/12/15Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences8
Topics to be discussed Way of organizing Scandinavian co-operation. Deciding about the leadership of the Scandinavian co-operation. Meeting intervals and date of the next meeting. 15/12/15Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences9