Welcome! Third Grade Dual Language Sra. Travers & Mrs. Ondo ¡Bienvenidos!
Bi lingual Bi literate Bi cultural Bi lingüismo Bi alfabetismo Bi culturalismo The Dual Language Program’s Mission El propósito del programa de dos idiomas
Tonight’s Agenda El propósito de esta noche Third Grade Dual Language Model Curriculum NY State Assessments Intervention Block Homework Snack & Birthdays Trips Conferences Ways to Help at Home Questions?
Third Grade Dual Language Model El modelo del programa del tercer grado Departmentalized instruction: Sra. Travers : Math & Science in the Spanish Zone Mrs. Ondo : ELA & Social Studies in the English Zone
English Language Arts Lectura y escritura Reader’s Workshop Guided reading, independent reading, reading responses Curriculum Goals Heavy focus on nonfiction Read higher level texts closely Discuss texts using evidence and synthesizing information (RAC) Build Stamina Write nonfiction pieces using evidence Increase academic vocabulary Third Grade DRA & EDL benchmarks: 28 now, 38 at the end Spanish second language benchmarks: 12 now, 24 at the end
English Language Arts Lectura y escritura Writer’s Workshop Students: Generate ideas Draft Revise Edit Publish Curriculum Goals Personal Narrative Persuasive Essay Note-taking skills Writing in response to a prompt Writing as Scientists & Historians
Mathematics Matemáticas Engage NY Math Multiplication & Division Place Value Measurement Area Fractions Data Geometry Curriculum Goals Build skills within and above grades Develop speed and accuracy Explain thinking in writing Think fast and solve multi-step problems
Social Studies Ciencias sociales “Communities Around the World” Units of study include: Geography and Map Skills Economics and Natural Resources Symbols, Law, Values and Beliefs Folk Tales, Legends, Oral and Written Histories
Science Ciencias naturales Units of study include: The Human Body Animal Adaptations Soils and Systems Measurement
New York State Assessments Exámenes del estado de Nueva York ELA Exam : April 5-7, 2015 Multiple Choice Questions Short Response Extended Response MATH Exam : April 13-15, 2015 Multiple Choice Questions Word Problems Short Response Problems
Intervention Block Bloque de intervención Targeted instruction begins in November. Junior Great Books A classroom reading and discussion program that serves to build young minds, improve critical thinking, and promotes higher student achievement through a shared inquiry process. Enrichment Visual Reasoning (5 week program) Math (5 weeks following visual reasoning) Second cycle in the Spring Parents are notified by mail if their child is selected for this program.
Homework Tarea Homework Planner & Folder Must be returned to school daily. Please put any notices/letters for the teacher or office in the folder. Choice Boards Spelling work due every Friday Reading responses due every Monday Math work should be submitted on specified due date Help your child find a quiet place in your home. Establish a homework time. Read with or to your child every night.
Special Area Classes Schedule Clases de área especial RED TEAMBLUE TEAM A Art – Ms. O’Keefe A Music – Ms. Carpenter Media CenterComputer Lab B Art – Ms. O’Keefe B Music – Ms. Carpenter C C PE – Dethwick Computer LabMedia Center D Music – Ms. Carpenter D PE – Dethwick E E Art – Ms. Westerberg F PE – Dethwick F Art – Ms. Westerberg
Snack La merienda We will have a working snack every morning around 10:00am. Comeremos una pequeña merienda cada mañana a las 10:00am. Nutritious Snack Policy We encourage: Crackers Pretzels Fruit Cheese NO Peanuts or Tree Nuts NO Drinks
Birthdays! ¡Celebraciones de cumpleaños! We will celebrate at the end of the school day! We have: 23 students on the blue team 23 students on the red team Families are welcome to… bring a healthy treat Please be mindful of our healthy snack policy. You may choose a suggested snack from our Birthday Snack list.
Trips Excursiones Policies: Permission slips must be in writing, not verbal. Students are encouraged to wear their Post Road gear. Bagged lunches are required – no lunchboxes. Parent chaperones must sign a commitment form and arrive 15 minutes early for a debriefing meeting.
Trips Excursiones Third Grade Trips: Central Park Zoo Human Body Workshop (in house) The Museum of Natural History Bruce Museum Sound Waters Hudson River Museum
Parent Conferences Conferencias de padres y maestros Parent Teacher Conferences Fall Conferences Daytime conferences: October 22 nd & 26 th Evening conferences: October 29 th Spring Conferences Daytime conferences: March 7 th & 14 th Evening conferences: March 10 th Please make your appointments before you leave today !
Contacting Us Cómo contactarnos If you need to speak to us regarding anything related to your child please do not hesitate to contact us. You may… Call the main office at (914) and leave a message with the best time and number to reach you. Write us a note with your concern, or with a request to schedule a telephone or in- person conference. us at: Mrs. Travers – Mrs. Ondo –