High Differential Pressure PEM-Based Hydrogen Generation for Backup Power and Home Fueling By: E. Anderson, S. Szymanski, and L. Dalton NHA Hydrogen Conference & Expo Long Beach, CA 4 May 2010
Presentation Outline Introduction to Proton Military Focus Areas in Contract Research Backup Power – “Silent Camp” Home Fueling Future Work
Proton Energy Systems Manufacturer of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) hydrogen generation products using electrolysis Founded in 1996 Headquarters in Wallingford, Connecticut. ISO 9001:2008 registered Over 1,200 systems operating in 60 different countries.
Proton Capabilities Complete product manufacturing & testing PEM Cell Stacks Complete Systems Storage Solutions Complete product manufacturing & testing Containerization and hydrogen storage solutions Integration of electrolysis into RFC systems Turnkey product installation World-wide sales and service Power Plants Heat Treating Semiconductors Laboratories Government
Hydrogen Products Commercial Products Future Products S Series HOGEN Hydrogen Generators TM S Series Fueling H Series Lab Gas Generators Hydrogen Control Systems Renewable Energy Storage Backup Power GC StableFlow TM
R&D Focus and Agency Partners Military Markets Commercial Markets Submarine life support Unmanned vehicles UAV UUV Silent Camp Back up power Military fueling needs Fork lifts Light duty vehicles Industrial Vehicle fueling Telecomm backup Renewable energy storage
Forward Operating Bases: Problem Definition Logistics of moving fuel can limit combat OPS Operational issues with gen-sets operating at low capacity Renewable power: How to make it dispatchable and reliable? Low audible and thermal signatures needed at times Expeditionary forces have additional mobile requirements
Backup Power System Concept Using High Pressure Electrolyzer
CERL Silent Camp® Phase I Program Based on low pressure S-series design 10 cell stack, 0.1 ft2 active area 10 SCFH (0.5 kg/day) hydrogen production rate 2,200 psig hydrogen pressure generation “Regenerative Fuel Cell” integrated into CERL’s Silent Camp system concept
CERL Silent Camp® Phase I Program Army/CERL installation for Silent Camp energy storage demo >1 year field data achieved
CERL Silent Camp® Phase 2 Program Demonstrate 40 SCFH (2+ kg/day) H2 Generation pressure of 2400 psig Conduct cost reduction activities for system design Phase separation / drying Power conversion Develop, build & test outdoor system for electrolyzer with cost reductions Integrate diesel gen-set, hydrogen storage, and fuel cell for system demo Follow-on phase: Integrate with renewables and ruggedize system
“Home Fueling” Product Requirements Small-scale generation Safe system, easy to operate ≥ 5,000 psi (350 bar) dispensing pressure Potential integration with renewables Simple, low cost Small footprint Applicable Codes & Standards ISO 22734-2, “Hydrogen Generators Using Water Electrolysis Process – Part 2: Residential Applications”
Proton’s System Approach to Small Distributed Fueling Applications High differential pressure, PEM electrolysis Ambient pressure O2 1 to 2 kilograms per day production Some storage needed for “reasonable” fill time (e.g. not “fast fill”) Leverage commercial platform and demonstrated high pressure capability 2,400 psi capability enabled by Silent Camp program Integrate with commercial boost compressor and modest storage for complete 5,000/10,000 psi fills. Further develop electrolysis capability to displace some/all mechanical compression
Proton’s Home Fueling Pathways H2 generation/compression Current HOGEN® HP Electrolyzer 2,400 psi 2 kg/day Indoor Next Gen HP Electrolyzer 2,400 psi 2 kg/day Outdoor rated Future HP Electrolyzer 5,000 psi 1-2 kg/day No Mechanical Compression UAV Fueling 5,000 psi <1 kg/day Near Term HP Electrolyzer + Compressor 10,000 psi 2 kg/day Timeline 2009 2010 2011
Small Distributed Fueling System Concept Single stage boost compressor Medium Pressure Storage (2,400 psi) High pressure electrolyzer Outdoor rated Simple dispensing interface Packaged system boundary Vehicle Fill 5 kg at up to 10,000 psi
(Chiller and Dispenser not shown) UAV Fueling Concept H2 Production Rate: ≤ 94 g/hr Generation pressure: 10,000 psi H2 storage: 1.3 kg Service Rating: 14 KVA Voltage: 240 VAC Conceptual Layout of High Pressure Electrolysis (Side View and Top View) (Chiller and Dispenser not shown)
Home Fueling Trade Study Objectives Define critical requirements for PEM Electrolysis Home Fueling System Technical Define hydrogen production capacity for a recharge time relevant to end-user Estimate electrical service and physical size Capital and operating cost Codes and standards Product safety Operation and maintenance
5,000 psi High Pressure PEM System Based on 2,400 psi platform Simple Balance-of-Plant Higher differential pressure stack development initiated Timeline to be driven by market need
Fueling Capacity - Scenarios
Fueling Capacity - Estimates
Conceptual Design
Summary & Future Work Commercial markets driving business success and sustainability Government support a key product area as well as a critical component to technology development Silent Camp pushing RFC Backup Power Concept Next steps will renewables and ruggedness High differential pressure enabling small fueling opportunities for government and commercial markets Continuing to push generation pressure to offset mechanical compression
Thank you! Contact Info: Everett Anderson eanderson@protonenergy.com www.protonenergy.com Tel 203/678-2105 Acknowledgements: Co-authors Sponsors