CLASS OF 2010 Helpful Hints for Your Senior Year
College Entrance Exams Check PrepHQ (test info link) for SAT & ACT Test dates and registration information. Report all test scores to SCHS & colleges. Be sure to update your test scores if retaken.
Senior Binder Keep copies of EVERYTHING! Record all pass codes and login information. Make a resume and keep several copies. Know social security number – important for scholarships, applications, FAFSA, etc.
Finding the Right College Consider: Visiting campus Drive through town where it is located Cost of room & board, & other fees Do I have to live on campus? Majors Size of school, classroom size, etc.
College Apply EARLY: request transcripts early via Prep HQ, request 519 screen form from counselor for teacher recommendations, essay application. Attend College Night at Valencia October 6, 2009 for more college information & speak to college representatives. Create & maintain communication with admissions representative. Don’t forget dual enrollment classes are the beginning of your college transcript, no D’s or F’s & no dropping classes.
Scholarships Academic scholarships are usually linked to early applications to colleges Watch deadlines on Prep HQ and FastWeb Bright Futures
Bright Futures FREE $$$ Based on grades and test scores Apply through Gov/Econ class December-January Check eligibility in ePEP account Bright Futures GPA is not your high school GPA
FAFSA Federal $$ need based funding Apply online as early as possible (January 1, 2010) Be sure parents file their taxes as early as possible Get worksheet and instructions from career center
NCAA Anyone who plans to participate in college sports needs to register with NCAA Go to PrepHQ links & resources for website: National Collegiate Athletic Association is the organization through which the nations colleges and universities speak and act on athletic manners.