SUBCONTINENT A smaller part of a continent India MONSOONS Seasonal rains Wet summers, dry winters
ASIA The continent India is found East of Europe HIMALAYAS Tallest mountains in world Separate India from the rest of Asia
MOHENJO DARO Great Harappan city Had indoor plumbing and sewers INDUS RIVER Site of first great Indian civilization Flows through modern day Pakistan
BRAHMINS Priests Hindu religious leaders KSHATRIYAS Rulers and warriors The Buddha belonged to this caste
VAISYAS Farmers and traders Not really “mean” SUDRAS Peasants Largest caste in India
CASTE SYSTEM India’s social structure Very strict “system” UNTOUCHABLES Outcasts of society Had few legal rights
HINDUISM Largest religion in India today Word means “the river” HINDU GODS The creator The destroyer The preserver
REINCARNATION Process of birth and rebirth Sacred cow KARMA Good or bad actions What comes around, goes around
BUDDHISM Founded by Prince Siddartha Teachings based on 4 Noble Truths FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS Buddhism’s basic beliefs Follow the “middle ground”
THE EIGHTFOLD PATH The middle path The Buddha believed people should live according to this MISSIONARIES People that spread their religious beliefs 500 of Buddha’s followers
SANSKRIT Language of ancient India Spoken, not written at first METALLURGY Science of working with metals People of ancient India were expert metal workers
INOCULATION Injecting a small dose to build up immunity Commonly called “shots” HINDU-ARABIC NUMERALS Numbers we use today
ASTRONOMY Study of stars Use telescopes NIRVANA State of perfect peace Buddhists want to achieve