Effective, regional product policies need a systematic market monitoring: Best practice and the way to go for the EU Anette Michel, Eric Bush, Sophie Attali Topten International Services EEB side event 19th February 2014, Brussels Data: GfK
Three levels of product declaration: 1.Measurement standard: how do we measure? -settings, conditions, test material, procedure -EU: standardisation bodies 2. Energy Efficiency definition: how do we calculate Energy Efficiency? -E.g. EEI calculation formula 3.MEPS and Energy Label: how do we rate the Energy Efficiency? -A+++ to D / A to G -Compliant or non-compliant? 2
Alignment– where and to what extent? Alignment of measurement standards and energy efficiency definitions facilitates international comparison of product performance and trade of efficient products but to account for different markets (climate, user habits etc.) more complicated standards are needed makes sense for CE products, as markets are rather uniform Markets differ regarding efficiency: it is already a challenge to define appropriate MEPS for all EU MS MEPS levels (and Labelling scales) should be defined regionally, otherwise they can’t be effective everywhere To decide on regional MEPS levels and Label classes it is key to know the market 3
Systematic market monitoring 4 Description of the market – NOT compliance verification Data: GfK
Market monitoring systems China: mandatory registration for all products with Energy Label (30 categories) Switzerland: annual report for all household app. AUS/NZ: mandatory registration for all products with Energy Label or MEPS, database is public NZ: + obligation for manufacturers to provide sales data for each model annually EU: No systematic approach Freely available model / sales data gathered whenever needed Time-consuming, data is not complete, often out-dated, can’t be compared over time and between countries Difficult to base decisions regarding MEPS and Labels on such data measures can be suboptimal 5 BEST PRACTICE
What Europe needs: Systematic market monitoring Based on sound data that can be compared over time and between countries: recent, exhaustive data, including sales information; no need for complex data Quality data from product registration database (future) or professional market research companies (short term) ➔ Solid basis for decisions on MEPS levels and Label classes ➔ Allows evaluating the measures’ effects ➔ Helps to revise regulations on time ➔ Provides solid data for stock models after several years 6
Thank you for your attention! Topten’s TV market monitoring report and the Swiss case study available at or 7
energyrating.gov.au – TV database 8
NZ: annual sales-based energy efficiency reports 9 Source: EECA
Topten: shows BAT in EU, China and USA 10