Technique of Data Collection Interview
The Interview may be regarded a systematic method by which one person enters more or less imaginatively into the inner life of another who is generally a comparative stranger to him.
Characteristics Two or more persons Face to face relations Specific objective Collection of data All types of respondents
Objectives of Interview Main source of Hypothesis Information through direct and face to face contact To seek opportunity for observation Internal and personal information Information about qualitative information
Types of Interview Classification according to function: Diagnostic interview Treatment interview Research interview
Classification according to formality Formal / Structured interview Informal interview Semi formal /semi structured interview
Classification according to Methodology Non directive interview Focused interview Repetitive interview
Classification on the basis of duration Short term interview Long term interview
Classification on the basis of contact Direct interview In-direct interview
Merits Collection of all types of information Study of abstract and non- visible phenomena Study of past phenomena Adequate Psychological study
Inter- stimulative study Verification of information's possible Useful for all segments of the population The information gathered is reliable Flexible
De-merits Biased study Dependence on informants Dependence on memory Inferiority complex
Inaccurate report Problem of qualified interviewer Too much time consuming Specialized knowledge not always possible
Danger of unnecessary details Lot of subjectivity Difference in social background Expensive method Problem of trained/expert interviewer
Qualities of a good interviewer Attractive \Pleasing Personality Ability to investigate the truth Ability to get active co-operation Ability and Wisdom
Good Conservationist Un-biased Honest Psychologist/ Good analysist
Tact and Initiative Active participation without confronting the informant or injuring his feelings
Steps to be kept in mind during the process of interview Selection of proper time and place Introduction with the respondent Establish rapport Systematic questions to be put in clear language
Precautions should be taken on emotional points Avoid questions which might disturb the interview Encourage and guide the interviewee Recording the interview