Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 1 | International Climate Initiative Energy Efficient and Climate Friendly Modernization of Industry, Donetsk Introducing information systems for energy management November 19
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 2 | What is EDM System EDM is a system for the collection, analysis and reporting of data relating to energy performance
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 3 | EDM System Data Collection Data Analysis Communica tion Action
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 4 | Range of EDM solutions Real time monitoring Manual collection Sensor(s) Standard Report
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 5 | EDM System The chosen EDM system should be appropriate for your organisation and is owned by those that use it It is very critical !!!
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 6 | Data Collection Data collection is a fundamental part of any EDM system “What is the purpose of the system?”
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 7 | Data types and sources 1/2 Data falls into 3 main categories: Consumption Cost Drivers (influencing factors)
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 8 | Data types and sources 2/2 Consumption data are the most basic data required for energy management Cost control is the main reason for most organisations to practice energy management Driver is any factor that influences energy consumption, i.e. weather, production
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 9 | Data Collection Data collection depends on: Number of data collection points; Method of data collection; Frequency of data collection;
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 10 | Data Analysis 1/3 Data analysis is a vital process in the transformation of data into information The desired information output will influence which analytical techniques are used
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 11 | Data Analysis 2/3 Analysis normally develops through 2 stages: Looking only at energy ( converting meter readings into consumption figures, comparing the current period of consumption with the same period the previous year) The use of energy data and drivers (the results of this should prompt questions such as “why does that happen?, should that happen?, is that what we expect?, can we do better?)
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 12 | Data Analysis 3/3 o Routinely (to provide the regular output of the system) o Investigative (to investigate the process rather that report for the process.
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 13 | Selecting Analytical Techniques Key questions are: which techniques are appropriate to my situation? what do others use in my section? which techniques can/use to benchmark my performance? what do I need from the analysis? how much data is required? Do I have that data. If not, can it be obtained economically? The most common fault with an EDM system is not making effective use of existing data
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 14 | Data communication 1/3 To complete the transformation from data to understanding collected and analysed data must be communicated To support energy management effective communication is a critical part of the system
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 15 | Data communication 2/3 Regular – weekly or monthly report Exception – produced when something has gone wrong or right Ad-hoc – initiated by request or as the result of investigation
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 16 | Identifying Information Needs Two basic questions that you need to answer: Who needs energy information? What information do recipients need? All those individuals that can influence energy performance The minimum necessary to enable them to improve energy performance
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 17 | Communication methods Most common use methods: face to face customised reports presentations electronic on demand It is important that the options chosen match the needs of the organisation
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 18 | Assessing EDM System needs Defining the system Gathering information Selecting analysis techniques Assessing existing system Taking action
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 19 | Toolkit Prepare an Action Plan ACTION PLAN SITE DETAILS: ItemResponsibilityStart DateCompletion date System definition Information gathering Analysis Assessment Implement Follow up Date prepared:
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 20 | Toolkit Assess potential savings ENERGY SAVINGS POTENTIAL SITE DETAILS: Utility Annual cost (UAH) % of total cost % savings potential Savings (UAH) Electricity Gas Water Other Total 100% Total savings %
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 21 | Toolkit Main Meters MAIN METERING SITE DETAILS: Utility Number of meters ID/LocationType Reading frequency Electricity Gas Water Total
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 22 | Toolkit Invoice Tracking INVOICE TRACKING SITE DETAILS: DetailGasElectricityWaterTotal No. of monthly invoices Invoices per year Paper or Electronic? P/E Direct debit payment? Y/N
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 23 | Toolkit Energy Drivers ENERGY DRIVERS SITE DETAILS: DriverProcessSource of data
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 24 | Toolkit Communication ENERGY REPORTING SITE DETAILS: ReportFrequencyFromTo Other relevant communicated methods TypeToFrom
Round Table Donetsk| Limón GmbH | 25 | Toolkit Running Costs Energy System Operating Costs SITE DETAILS: Item Annual cost Year 1 (A)ctual or (E)stimated Annual cost Year 2 (A)ctual or (E)stimated Meter Reading Meter calibration Software and Software support Hardware and Hardware support System operators External contacts Total
Limón GmbH. Große Rosenstraße 21. D – Kassel. T F – Limón GmbH Große Rosenstraße 21 D Kassel t f Свежие идеи для продукции и энергии GIZ Пр.Киевски 87, оф Донецк, Украина тел