Valais Rye bread PDO An authentic product
Valais Rye bread PDO Round; 250g, 500g or 1kg; Plain; Cover with cracks; Recognisable by the « pastille AOC »
The PDO code of practice Cereals produced in respect of the environment, exclusively in the Valais, and processed in the Valais; A production process that is clearly defined in the code of practice; Regular tasting by professionals; A long fermenting leaven that gives the Rye bread its aspect (typically with cracks) and its specific taste; A full grain bread made out of at least 90% Rye (max. 10% wheat).
Current situation Producers Millers Bakeries The Association Rye bread of the Valais PDO Promotion activities
Harvest 40 producers with a contract for growing and providing Rye
Quantities of Rye
Margin for growth Rye for the PDO / total amount of Rye in the Valais in 2008 : 483 T / 998 T = 48% of the production Rye for the PDO / cereals for human consumption in the Valais : 483 T / 3’540 T = 14% of the production
Price of the Rye bread Indicative price of Rye : Fr / 100 kg => Each producer negotiates with his buyer depending on the market – the association does not intervene Bonus : Fr / 100 kg => paid to each producer that has a contract with the association, according the quantities produced => Rye is paid more than wheat Indicative price for wheat : Fr / 100 kg (top class)
Mills Two certified mills
Backing : 790’000 kg bread
Price of the bread Flour for the PDO : + Fr / 100 kg (10 ct per bread) Price of the bread : freedom of the backer Indicative price to be set ?
Association of Rye bread of the Valais Represents the whole supply chain Creates a link between the farmers, mills, backers and control bodies Is a member of the Swiss association of PDOs and PGIs and the Valais chamber of agriculture It defends the interest of its members and promotes the Rye bread
Association of Rye bread of the Valais The committee is composed of : Three backers with large distribution networks Two mill managers Two cereal producers And permanent guests : OIC, Valais agricultural department, Valais chamber of agriculture
Functioning of the association Backers pay a slightly higher price for the flour (10 ct per bread) Producers receive a bonus of Fr per quintal The certification, the secretariat and the promotion activities are financed by the remaining amounts and contributions of the chamber of agriculture and the canton
Promotion activities Providing sales material to the backers (bags, flyers, …) Participation in fairs and events (Salon des Goûts et Terroirs, Semaine du Goût, Foire du Valais, …) Actions : Advertising campaign, web-site, participation in the collective actions of the PDO-PGI association or the “Basket of Valais products”
Movable bakery
Challenges Internal development External Development
Internal development : Objectives Better federate the current backer members Convince the remaining non-member backers to join the initiative Improve the identification of the product in the shops Manage the quantities of Rye
Internal development : Means Guaranty the artisan production thanks to stricter controls and the code of practice => OIC Voting rights within the association : one vote per member Fight the abusive use of the name Support by the state of the Valais and the chamber
Internal development : Means Develop trainings and consultancy for the backers and sales staff Obtain the generalised use of the « pastille AOC» and the bags Use of the trademark Valais for the backers (voluntary in a first stage, widen to all backers later)
Internal development : Means Growing trials for new varieties of Rye to assure the future of the production
External development : Objectives Develop sales of Rye bread outside the canton. Main problem : logistics (fresh product) Maintain the quality and the image of the Rye bread of the Valais PDO
External development : Means Sensorial study on the conservation of Rye bread : comparing fresh bread with frozen and vacuum-packed bread under in a atmosphere => Objective : set rules on certain processes and if necessary forbid certain methods
Conclusion The PDO guarantees « authentic and unvarying local methods » The PDO protects a « terroir », a tradition and a know-how, but the objective is not to make every bread uniform: The code of practice guarantees the basic recipe Allows each backer to express his own know-how => Rye breads do not have the same taste in all bakeries Challenge : growth without losing the nature of the product, nor the « spirit » of the Pain de seigle valaisan AOC
Thank you for your attention!
Contacts Association du Pain de seigle valaisan President : Jacques-Roland Coudray Manager : Nelly Claeyman Address : Maison du Paysan, CP 96, 1964 Conthey Tel : ++41 (0)27/ Fax : ++41 (0)27/ Internet : ;