THE RICHNESS OF OUR FAITH “Wives/Husbands and Christ/Church” – Part 3 Ephesians 5:22-33
Should we model after Christ? For life For marriage For the Church
I. Relational: {Eph 5:22-24} MARRIAGE IS A MODEL A. Our Submission is a service to the Lord: B. Christ is the Head of the Church: C. Christ is the Savior of the Body (Church) D. Church is subject to Christ: Conclusion: In both institutions; marriage and the church we struggle with submission.
II.Responsible: (Marriage is a ministry to the heart) {vs } Christ’s love was sacrificial: “gave himself for her” (vs.25) Christ’s love was sanctifying: “to be set apart solely for one” Christ’s love was cleansing: “washing her with the Word” Christ’s love was renewing: “to present her glorious” Christ’s love was practical: “as his own body”
III. Reasonable: (Marriage is a spiritual Mystery) {vs.31-33} unity A. The Head/Body analogy is a picture of unity unity B. The Christ/Church analogy a picture of unity ONENESS BECOMES THE GOAL OF BOTH THE CHURCH AND MARRIAGE.