The Path to a Sustainable Foundation for Facilities Management in Education Council of Great City Schools Presented by: Doug Christensen, Lander Medlin, & Randy Ledbetter
Introduction Lander Medlin – Executive Vice-President, CEO for APPA Doug Christensen – Retired, Brigham Young University – Current: Consultant Randy Ledbetter – Vice President of Sales – SSC
Appropriate Facility Costs How many of you, given your current portfolio of facilities (assets), knowledge of enrollment trends, and future needs, would take $18/SF/year + Annual Inflation for all of your asset costs for the next 75 years?
What does the $18 Include: Annual cost of project delivered Remodeling/replacing existing facilities Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Energy/Utilities Recapitalization – retrofits and replacements Grounds Expansion of assets
TCO Survey Summary & Analysis Whitestone Lowest All Good Average Mixed All Good Totals Highest
School District Trends 2/3 (35 states) of states are providing less money for public education than 5 years ago Depleted emergency funds lead to programs and staff being cut which results in: Larger class sizes Less rounded education 42% of superintendents believe that operations and maintenance will be most affected by budget cuts Average of School District buildings within the US is 42 y/o
School District Trends 64% of schools do not have a 1 to 1 technology initiative 1/5 of students today are considered impoverished Impact of school facility conditions to learning environment and student success: Condition of a classroom can affect a students progress by 25% 43% of U.S. schools see the condition of their facilities interfering with instruction delivery Unpredictable environment, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) gives you an ability to predict costs, create continuity, and establish a sustainable business model
What is TCO? TCO Definition and Benefits: A tool set of principles used to manage Asset Sustainably Gives you the ability to predict future costs (40+ years) What is the Annual Cash Flow needed to own an asset through it’s life? Starting point: Ground Zero producing reliable data for decision making TCO Principles drive Sustainable Asset Management TCO gathers ALL data points so the right Asset Investment Choice is made TCO is an Investment Management strategy to maximize ROI
What is TCO? The 3 costs of Asset Ownership 1.Project Delivery Concept Master Planning Design Construction 2.Maintenance & Operations 3.Recapitalization
What is TCO? Level 1 - Location Inventory/Database Location Warehouse Space Facts Level 2 – Utilization/ Scheduling Space Allocation/Scheduler Space Utilization Level 3 – Requests and Changes Space Planning & Standards Space History Level 4 – Space Strategic Needs Space Needs to expand/reduce Space Needs aligned with Vision and Mission Manage Space as an Asset 4 in 1 program Global Locations & Uniform Asset Code
Scalable Example – Provo School District Provo had failed in an effort to close two schools District is in a NO Growth scenario Too many facilities to budget and pay for Aging and seismic problems with facilities Very political on which buildings to close Demographics were/are changing Larger homes were not being built in Provo Had no idea what it should cost In DEEP TROUBLE: Typical Asset Cash Flow
Provo School Board Request - after failure in community Independent condition assessment – ALL Assets Current needs and deferred maintenance Maintain existing facilities (currently not funded) Upgrade facilities (e.g. seismic, asbestos, ADA) Upsize to ‘target schools’ (e.g. add classrooms) Replace existing facilities (cost to maintain/ renew assets may exceed cost to replace) Next 10 year cash flow for each Building and General Site property What amount do I need to have each year to cover all needs MAKE US WHOLE
Test: Review the Blind List 1. Renovate 2. Remove 3. Keep 4. Priority Building #Gross Sq. Ft.10 yrs. Of replacementsTotal Asset Master PlanTotal 10 yr. Replacement Cost + Asset master Plan Costs % of building replacement Building 169,368$747,791$0$747,79111% $11$0$11 Building 267,247$3,012,148$0$3,012,14845% $45$0$45 Building 347,200$3,715,195$966,780$4,681,97599% $79$20$99 Building 475,801$1,131,871$465,000$1,596,87121% $15$6$21 Building 563,508$4,885,523$1,057,016$5,942,53994% $77$17$94 Building 648,283$4,129,316$2,681,137$6,810,453141% $86$56$141 Building 751,875$0$1,629,688 31% $0$31
Revealed the Property Name: Political & Emotional Building #Year Made Gross Sq. Ft.10 yrs. Of replacementsTotal Asset Master PlanTotal 10 yr. Replacement Cost + Asset master Plan Costs % of building replacement Building ,368$747,791$0$747,79111% Amella Earhart$11$0$11 Building ,247$3,012,148$0$3,012,14845% Canyon Creek$45$0$45 Building ,200$3,715,195$966,780$4,681,97599% Edgemont$79$20$99 Building ,801$1,131,871$465,000$1,596,87121% Franklin$15$6$21 Building ,508$4,885,523$1,057,016$5,942,53994% Grandview$77$17$94 Building ,283$4,129,316$2,681,137$6,810,453141% Joaquin$86$56$141 Building ,875$0$1,629,688 31% Maesar$0$31
Provo School District 40 –year Capital Renewal Cash Flow Deferred Cash Flow Reca p
Look at Any Asset & Location Example: Classroom Flooring next 10-years
Example: Utility Systems next 10-years
Example: Roofing the next 20-years
TCO Gap Management © CFG Certainty of Delivery and Inventory Certainty of J.I.T. Decisions Certainty of Best Design and Build Data & Graphics Gap Save: $ 1.46/ sq. ft. Decision Gap Save:.5% on CRV/year Learning & ROI Gap Save: 50% on design Cost TCO Total Cost of Ownership
Equalized Force - Ideal Outcomes Project Delivery Costs Recap Costs M&O Costs
What’s YOUR number? Six questions to reinforce what is needed to build a TCO approach: 1.Do you have a complete/comprehensive asset inventory down to the component level? 2.What is your current replacement cost/CRV/value of your existing assets? 3.Have you planned for all expansions/additions/changes/modernizations within your master plan? Is it aligned with mission and vision? 4.Do you have a mechanism in place to track all costs associated with your assets? 5.Is there a process to use data for sound business decision making? Best ROI 6.Do you have an ongoing inspection process to update/validate asset data?
How to get started? Determine the gaps Data Process Technology Break down the silos Develop or hire the expertise needed to incorporate TCO principles Establish standards and deal with funding gaps
For More Information Randy Ledbetter