Statements on WFD from an EU3 perspective Milan 06.10.2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Statements on WFD from an EU3 perspective Milan

What we think has been good/successful about WFD? ~Holistic planning ~Inclusion of sound principles in national legislations ~Cost recovery ~Polluter pays ~Prevention of pollution at source ~River Basin Management ~Better transparency on economics of the sector ~Better inclusion of stakeholder ~Boosting implementation of previous directives (UWD) and monitoring of water quality 2

What we think has been good/successful about WFD (cont’) ? ~Job creations in waste water in several countries ~The principles of the directive have been adopted in non EU countries 3

What could have been possible but is possibly delayed? ~Timelines for good ecological and chemical status were/are too ambitious ~In some countries not authorities have taken time to integrate the WFD in their own objectives ~Awareness culture missing sometimes (other policy area) 4

What is not good and not feasible? ~Economic and budgetary constraints have been ignored and can impede the implementation of the directive ~In some countries water and waste water utilities were not fully heard in the legislation process ~The scope of cost recovery is not clear ~Opposition of strong economic lobbies not easy to counter ~Agriculture sector is not paying enough; WFD has not the right tools ~Small slice of the cake but responsible for everything (rainwater, transport pollution, historic pollution 5

How have customers/consumers benefitted? ~Explicit obligation to include them in the stakeholders consultations ~Increasing transparency ~General improvement of the water quality  recreational benefits 6

What has been the impact on water resource protection? ~Overall water quality has improved ~But deadlines not realistic in most of countries 7

What should Eureau ask for in case of revision of the WFD ? ~Implementation in the MS is a challenge  need the Commission to push for implementation ~Need for strenghtening the Directive on ~Reduction of pollution at source ~Diffuse pollution / agricultural pollution ~Clarification on the scope of cost recovery ~Focus on water pricing to ensure the objectives ~The one-out-all-out principle is too rigid 8

What should Eureau ask for in case of revision of the WFD ? ~Lack of coherences with other challenges: ~Renewable energy directive; hydropower ~Nitrate Directive ~Climate change 13/06/20149

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