Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 1 Agenda 1.AnnouncementsJ.Harvey 15’ 2.LHC Computing Review ãSummary of issues raised in the software panel P.Mato 30‘ ãProposal for 'software agreements' and discussion J.Harvey 30‘ ãPlanning for computing infrastructure F.Harris 30' COFFEE 3.Preparation & testing of software before release F.Ranjard 20' 4.Migration Status (SICBDST and BRUNEL) M.Cattaneo 20' 5.Status of SICbmc A.Jacholkowska 20‘ 6.Status of Monte Carlo Production E. van Herwijnen 10’ ãfollowed by discussion on the MC production procedure
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 2 Announcements qLHC Computing Review ãPanels 1 and 2 preparing reports ãPanel 3 will then discuss end June ãApril 5 th – presentation of baseline computing model ãMay 8 th – resource planning for software and hardware ãToday – technical input on software issues, manpower needs and responsibilities, and preparation of computing infrastructure qGRID Computing ãNew buzz word ãHEP community-wide activity ãEU Proposal
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 3 Announcements - GEANT4 qTraining day held on April 27 th ã15 participants ãoverview on the basic contents and functionality of Geant4 ãgreat success, feedback is very positive ãa new training session could be organized with more specific topics: ågeometry, physics process with may be morning session and afternoon "hands on". qProgress on integration of GEANT4 with GAUDI (GiGa Vanya Belyaev)- ãOn Linux GiGa is working (not yet on NT) ãnot yet installed in the release area ã qGEANT4Examples available which allows to run Geant4 examples under CMT.
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 4 Announcements - Conferences qNSS Oct 15-20, Lyon (Detectors, Electronics, Software) ãEvent Building workshop on Oct 20 th qVII International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research ACAT2000 (Formerly AIHENP) ãFermilab, October ãArtificial Intelligence, Innovative Software Algorithms and Tools, Symbolic Problem solving and Large Scale Computing in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Accelerator Physics and Nuclear Physics
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 5 Announcements - CERN School of Computing qWill be held at the Hotel Golden Coast in Marathon, Greece, from Sunday 17 th September to Saturday 30 th September qDeadline for application has been prolonged until 15 June 2000 qDetails of how to apply ã qThemes ãDistributed computing ãOO design and implementation ãStorage and Software for Data Analysis
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 6 Announcements - FOCUS questions 1. How does your experiment define "frozen OS" support? Frozen support means the possibility of running existing experiment software without modification (e.g. no changes to compiler, libraries, file system, interface to the stager and to tapes etc.). Services used by the experiment, such as the stager, LSF etc. should be maintained in such a way as to allow the experiment software to continue working. Essential bug fixes should be applied to the CERN software libraries, but no new features are requested.
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 7 Announcements - FOCUS questions 2. Does your experiment agree with the RISC decommissioning timetable presented by Manuel Delfino at FOCUS 17? (RSPLUS/RSBATCH - No physicist access in 2001, removal end 2001 HPPLUS - Freeze OS end 2001, removal end 2003 CERNLIB - Last maintenance release early 2002 PAW replacement in production mid-2001) No major problems with decommissioning schedule of RISC : our software is currently supported on Linux, WNT and AIX. We have stopped accessing RSPLUS/RSBATCH for production but still use it for debugging of FORTRAN code, due to the superior quality of the debugger compared to ddd on Linux. CERNLIB- no new functionality needed, current version should be compiled for future versions of Linux and Windows OS/compilers. We are actively migrating our software to C++ and expect to have completed much by end of 2001, but we cannot predict when last line of FORTRAN will have been removed from our production software. We request support for PAW until an OO alternative is officially supported by IT division.
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 8 Announcements - FOCUS questions 3. What are your experiment's requirements until 2005 concerning import/export of data? Currently we import MonteCarlo data on DLT 7000 from Rutherford and on Redwood from Lyon, as well as via network. Transfers via the network will increase in importance in future. Our current plan is to produce the following volumes of MonteCarlo data in the homelabs, which will be transferred to CERN preferably by network: TB TB TB TB TB In 2005 these numbers increase by two orders of magnitude in both directions (import of simulated data and export of real data)
Discussion on Software Agreements and Computing MoU Slide 9 FOCUS 4. How critical is archiving for your experiment? We make no use of pubarch. Some users archive their data on tapes, others in HSM. It is important that these data are safeguarded in any future migration. 5. What is the 3-year requirement for remote backup? We do not use remote backup for any of our systems.