Power Writing Rotation 15 CRAFT Project (Part 2)
Read directs on page 15 Your final written work will be a 3 paragraph essay. The powergraph format will be: Individually work on your powergraph outline using your research worksheets. After completing the powergraph outline, you will be assigned a partner. You will go through each other’s powergraph outline together. You must make one positive comment and one constructive suggestion to your partner’s powergraph. Write these comments on the bottom of their powergraph outline. Sign the bottom of your partner’s outline when you are finished. When your powergraph plan is complete, you may type your powergraph into a 3 powergraph essay. Be sure to proofread your essay before printing. Once you finish, find the same assigned partner and ask them to proofread your paper. Your partner must write at least one positive comment and one constructive comment on the bottom of your paper. When your partner finishes, they should sign the bottom of your paper. Make the necessary changes to your paper and turn in your rough draft AND final draft by the assigned due date to your World Languages teacher.
Individual Expectations Create a powergraph outline, rough draft essay, and final essay by due date Have a partner proofread your powergraph outline and rough draft essay Make corrections to the rough draft essay Follow the given criteria for power writing found in the rubric
Partner Expectations Write a positive and constructive comment on the bottom of the power graph outline Sign your name to the powergraph outline Proof read your partner’s rough draft essay Sign the back of the rough draft essay
Outline 1 topic and role 2 fact 3 supporting detail 2 fact 3 supporting detail 2 fact 3 supporting detail 1 final comment
Let’s look at an example In our need for quality products at reasonable prices, do Americans consider where our food comes from? Though we may think of Cameroon as a small, distant country on the west coast of Africa, agriculture in this country is important to both Cameroonians and Americans. Seventy-five percent of the work force in Cameroon is dedicated agriculture and the production of exports. The main crops and resources that Americans import from Cameroon include oil, coffee, and cocoa. Because we depend on these products, we should care about the problems that farmers face. For example, the Cameroonian government sets low prices for the good produced by farmers, which leads to a limited income and poor living conditions. Furthermore, workers face dangerous conditions in the oil rigs. As consumers of their products, there are two important ways that Americans should help support Cameroonian farmers. First, our governments should work together to create better programs and reasonable prices that are fair to both Cameroonians and Americans. Second, Americans could help create safer working conditions, especially around oil drilling sites. With fair government regulations and safe working conditions, Americans and Cameroonians can continue to thrive off a safe agriculture industry.