Welcome to Generation Sheffield - How I MADE It Work For Me!
jill white
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
andy hanselman
6.00 pmIntroductions 6.15 pmHow I MADE It Work For Me! - Lewis Bowen – Geco Industries - Chikumo Fiseko – Mostly Muffins - Sophie Maxwell – Really NEET College 7.00 pm It’s All About You! 7.30 pm Getting The Best Out Of MADE (and other events!) – Tips And Techniques 8.00 pmFinal Networking Session! 8.30 pm Close
joanne thorpe
who are you?
what exactly is ‘networking’?
“proactively creating, developing and maximising relationships with people who can and do impact on you and your business”
it’s not just.....
it’s not just.....
it’s not just.....
it’s not just.....
it’s not just.....
it’s not just.....
networking is.....
what can events like do for you and your business?
creating leads and opportunities finding suppliers and partners getting business and market knowledge ‘thinking time’ building credibility raising your profile differentiating yourself starting relationships generating ideas maximising relationships learning and developing making friends having some fun!
what’s your approach to networking
no apparent interest or presence in their networks don’t recognise or evaluate the potential benefits head in the sand hope it goes away ‘ ostriches’....
not doing much networking, certainly not proactively pop their head up a little, but quickly go back nervous / cautious no purposeful activity ‘meerkats’....
basic presence in some networks no attempt to develop a focused approach like the ‘new and shiny’ don’t ‘see things through ’ ‘magpies’....
‘monkeys’.... more committed to networking strong presence in some networks, focus is on activity, not purpose need to stand still and be more strategic
the ‘kings’ of the networking jungle! a recognised ‘presence’ in their chosen networks not just attending, but engaging positively contribute and influence things ‘lions’....
what are you
Lewis Bowen Chikumo Fiseko Sophie Maxwell
Lewis Bowen
Chikumo Fiseko
Sophie Maxwell
lessons and questions
Lewis Bowen Chikumo Fiseko Sophie Maxwell
what are the 3 key lessons for you?
the 4 P’s of maximising opportunities
Purpose: they understand why they are doing it and what they want! Plan: they ensure that they know what they need to do Proactivity: they ‘make it happen’ Pursue it they follow up and ‘deliver’!
be clear about why you are doing it
be clear about what you want
what do you want to achieve? what does your ‘vision’ call for? what does your business need? what do you need personally? some questions for you....
“for this to be a great event for me, what do i need to have achieved?”
Plan! “i have a cunning plan!”
identify your targets
who can help you? what can you help? who can you learn from? what do you need? some questions for you....
consider.... signposterskey influencers gatekeepers
‘card pushers’! ‘2 nd thursday in the month’ ers! ‘the bore’! ‘i’ll stick with my mates’! ‘sell, sell, sell’!!!
‘make suggestions’! ‘engage others! ‘ask questions’! ‘give, don’t just take’! ‘punch above their weight’!
put your head above the parapet!
K eep i n t ouch!
make sure you... deliver!
what works for you
what are you going to do?
take action, not notes!
A FUNDRAISING EVENING FOR Thursday 12 th November 2015 Holiday Inn, Barnsley 7.30pm A brilliant opportunity for entrepreneurs and business leaders, young and old, to learn, network, raise money for a truly deserving cause and have a bit of fun! A Truly 3D Evening... Dinner, Discussions and... Doherty! Fraser Doherty is one of the country ’ s most successful dynamic young entrepreneurs and he ’ ll be sharing his secrets at this dinner
thank you!
thank you!
Lewis Bowen thank you!
Chikumo Fiseko thank you!
Sophie Maxwell thank you!
A FUNDRAISING EVENING FOR Thursday 12 th November 2015 Holiday Inn, Barnsley 7.30pm A brilliant opportunity for entrepreneurs and business leaders, young and old, to learn, network, raise money for a truly deserving cause and have a bit of fun! A Truly 3D Evening... Dinner, Discussions and... Doherty! Fraser Doherty is one of the country ’ s most successful dynamic young entrepreneurs and he ’ ll be sharing his secrets at this dinner