Articulation with the Universities: What Curriculum Committees Need to Know Julie Bruno, Sierra College, Facilitator Nancy Purcille, UC Office of the President Joseph Bielanski, Berkeley City College Bernie Day, Foothill College
Question One How is articulation formally defined? Does “articulated” mean the same thing as “transferrable”?
Question Two How do we determine what courses are transferable to the UC and CSU systems?
Question Three What are the top three things you have seen that cause courses to be denied articulation or cause articulation problems?
Question Four What do curriculum committees need to know about the cycle for articulation submissions and decisions?
Question Five What are the top three things that faculty or curriculum committees can do to make the life of an articulation officer easier?
Question Six If you could develop the ideal Course Outline of Record template, how would you do so in order to both serve the needs of the universities and protect the academic freedom of individual faculty members?