Social & Emotional Development in Middle Adulthood
Balancing Work and Family
Erikson’s Theory & Midlife Generativity vs Stagnation Commitment expands beyond self (identity) and partner (intimacy) to larger group Gen- everything that can outlive the self and ensure improvement Stag- unable to contribute b/c of self- centeredness and self-indulgence
Levinson’s Seasons of Life Midlife Transition –~40 yrs success evaluation, precious remaining years –Advancement & Growth at work? –For some, inner pressure to change life path
Levinson’s Seasons of Life: Modifying ones life structure (Gender Differences & Similarities) Acceptance with age & creating youth-age balance –Physical changes, illness, aging parents –Due to double standard of aging, women find it harder to accept Confront own mortality and increase awareness of others’ destructive behavior
Levinson’s Seasons of Life: Modifying ones life structure (Gender Differences & Similarities) Reconciling feminine & masculine parts of self –Men: more accepting of “feminine” traits such as nurturance & caring –Women: more open to “masculine” traits of autonomy, dominance, & assertiveness Will this be true when you’re in middle adulthood?
Is there a MIDLIFE CRISIS? What is it? "I'm looking forward to pursuing the career I always wanted,“ "I'm tired of just working on other people's visions, rather than my own, even if I have to start on a smaller scale."
Is there a MIDLIFE CRISIS? Intense self-doubt lead to drastic changes in personal life and career 70-80% vs. 10% Most don’t experience it, though wide differences in response to midlife Sudden changes to outsiders may not truly be “sudden” For many-sense of confidence & accomplishment