THE SCHOOL INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECT „ PRADNIK BIAŁY THE PLACE WHERE I LIVE” AUTHOR: Danuta Wróbel – Gimnazjum nr 13 Kraków Realization: Elżbieta Wójtowicz – Gimnazjum 13 w Krakowie
The ideas of the project – the natural didactic path interdisciplinary: - History, Science, English fulfilling educational aims: - getting to know the closest surrounding, - discovering „roots” and values of the „small homeland” - developing patriotic attitude connected with region and its culture - four dimensions of the active citizenship to work with the students between 13 and 16
Products of the project: drawings posters brochures or Power Point presentation photographs
Four dimensions Pedagogical: - getting to know the most interesting places and history of the district (conscious citizenship) – History - understanding the dependence between humans and natural environment – Science - getting to know the economy of the region, interest in local problems- Social studies - practical usage of mathematical knowledge – Maths - thematic vocabulary connected with the topic - English
Social: -group work– English, History - responsibility for the tasks - using active methods of work- all subjects - presenting the results of the project
Political: - creating patriotic attitude – History, English - creating the pride of being the member of Polish nation - History, English - motivating to individual studies on the surrounding and the history of the district
Ethical value: - moral and emotional development - creating emotional links with the surrounding - searching for authorities, critical thinking
Project work: preparation - English lesson based on the vocabulary used during the project work, decision about the way of presentation of work- English - dividing into groups, choosing the leaders representatives (colours) - explaining the topic and the aim of the work - revising information about safe work and moving around
Group work - group representatives collect the maps from the teacher and write the names of the objects and streets in the map - representatives collect the work sheets and the tools needed to complete the tasks - students work in groups ( getting to know the place and its description, measuring the speed of the river, preparing drawings, observing plants, birds and animals, solving the problems given). Completing the work sheets - The teacher helps the students if necessary
Final task: - collecting products of the group work (drawings, work sheets, photographs) - preparing final product according to the ideas fixed at the beginning of the project - presenting the results by the group leaders
Evaluation: - students’ reflections - group reflection - completing the evaluation sheet