The CLS IS Unit Presents Creating Schedules
What are schedules in Entourage? By using Entourage to set up schedules, you can easily automate certain tasks, such as sending and receiving messages or emptying the Deleted Items folder. When you set up a schedule, you tell Entourage what to do and when to do it. Entourage then performs the tasks at the specified time.
Creating Schedules Select “Tools” from the Entourage menu and select “Run Schedule” and “Edit Schedules”.
Creating Schedules Click “New” to create a schedule. Click New
Creating Schedules Create a name for the schedule. Change the “Occurrence” in the “When” section. Add a new “Action” in the “Action” section. Click “Enabled” to activate the schedule and “OK”.
Stand tuned for more Entourage Tips and Hints to come!!