Andrzej Wajda Famous Polish film and theatrical director
Main facts from biography He was born in a small city Suwalki(black dot pointed by the arrow) on 6 th of March 1926 He directed more than 30 films and many theatre plays.
Films He was a director of many many films.For example: Danton Pan Tadeusz Wesele[The Wedding] Ziemia Obiecana[Promise d Land] The Wedding
Prizes Andrzej Wajda got many awards Many of them were international awards(For example: Gold Palm, Oscar) In year 2000 he got an Oscar Award for all his achievements In the same year he Got two polish awards for the film Pan Tadeusz
Pan Tadeusz This is a great film based on our national epopey:Pan Tadeusz written by Adam Mickiewicz A. Wajda directed it in year 1998
Pan Tadeusz- who made it? DIRECTOR: Andrzej Wajda SCREENPLAY: Andrzej Wajda, Jan Nowina-Zarzycki, Piotr Weresniak, based on poem by Adam Mickiewicz MUSIC: Wojcich Kilar CAST(most on photos): M. Zebrowski, A. Bachleda-Curus, B. Linda, D. Olbrychski, G. Szapołowska, A. Seweryn, M. Kondrat, K. Kolberger, S. Szakurow, J. Binczycki and others...