9/11/13 Welcome to Conversations with People who used to be Alive and who Studied A Lot
9/11/13 Todays guests are Dr.'s...
9/11/13 Bronislaw Malinowski
9/11/13 Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx
9/11/13 and B.F. Skinner
9/11/13 Welcome to the show gentleman. Today's topic is Internet Dating. Let's hear from Dr. Malinowski first, then you may all feel free to jump in whenever you like.
9/11/13.. ahem... well, you see, internet dating, or “distant relationships” (as I will heretofore refer to them) are normal in every culture. We mustn't judge because of the norms of our own cultural expectations for dating.
9/11/13 You see, many cultures thrive on anonymity for excitement. Consider a “blind date”. You can pretend to be anyone. Practices such as arranged marriages are a way to maintain social and cultural order. It's barely any different... though... who's comparing???
9/11/13 Marx: I do say, you've gone a bit far, you pointy-nosed quack. It's obvious that internet dating has emerged because of the struggle between the attractive and the unattractive; those with social skills, and those without. The bourgeoisie who are “hot and cool” hold their “in a relationship with” facebook status above us proleteriat folks who have a hard time speaking to those in whom we may have an intimate interest. Internet dating is our... I mean “their” way of dealing with this struggle.
9/11/13 Freud: You two are both talking ze jibberish. You see, ze ID vants pleasure. For some, zeir SUPEREGO is so strong that zey feel very nervous about ze face to face dating. So, zeir EGO has found a vay to satisfy both ze ID and ze SUPEREGO. Vis Internet Dating, you can satisfy your sexual inclinations but avoid ze akvard interactions, like “how are you?”, “good, and you?” “good" "and you "good" "oops, I asked how are you twice, my bad" "that's okay" "so..." You see?
9/11/13 B.F. Skinner: Look. Relationships feel good. When we say or do something, and it's received well, then that feedback makes us feel good.
9/11/13 If we were to take away any negative feedback we may get from our actions, AND in fact, let us only choose to show the best side of us all the time AND even make up stuff that makes us seem ultra amazing, then I think that internet dating seems preferable to real-life dating. Especially, if you can have these relationships with many people, without the risk of "real" negative feedback.
9/11/13 If an internet relationship was the reward for a lab rat stepping on a feederbar, I don't believe he'd ever stop responding to that stimulus. That behaviour would never be extinguishable HAH HAH HAH...
9/11/13 <Well, that's all the time we have today for "Conversations with People who used to be Alive and who Studied A Lot"
9/11/13 Join us next time for a conversation on "Stooping and Scooping... really, who's in charge?"