Married April, 20, 1889 Number of friends Just finished the order to execute the remaining Jews at camp, they deserve it. A portrait of me while world war 1 was occurring My flag is my heart, I eat breath, sleep, and I will die under this flag
They’ve assassinated Mussolini, who is going to control the Italians now, a new dictator is needed right away! Wall II Preaching to my men about how the execution must go on towards Jews! Me and my men prepared to go to war!
Not in a good mood, we are losing the war we must survive and live on! Wall III A picture of me when I was a young boy. My people supporting me and saluting me.
The Soviet are coming for me I can feel it, we must defend whats ours, we must have an meeting at this instant! Wall IV My speech against Franklin D, Roosevelt Giving my speech at a theatre.
RIP to our leader Hitler, April 20, 1889, - April 30, 1945, you will be missed. Wall V Hitler Dead. Shot himself in the head.
male April 20, 1889 Where born here married Nazism Roman Catholic Attend Olympic games White Power Music What do you watch on TV? What movies do you like? What do you read? I am an Austrian born German political leader, I control the Nazi party and I am currently the leader of the national socialist German workers party. I became the absolute Dictator of Germany from with the title of chancellor from 1933 – I have a wife, no kids. Died: April 30, 1945 Profile
Friends Karl Donitz Paul Von Hindenburg Kurt Von Schleicher Joseph Goebbels Eva Braun Herman Goering