Some facts Africa is four times the size of the U.S.A. It is a continent not a country. More than 1,000 different languages are spoken. Humans originated there, about 5 million years ago. It is home to about 748 m.
What do you think of when Africa is mentioned? Wars Natural disasters Starving children HIV and AIDS Poverty Misery Wildlife Beautiful scenery Fascinating culture History Hot climate Music
Africa-the continent Africa is made up of 54 countries. Each one is unique. Climates vary from rainforest to desert. There are many different cultures and traditions. Africa is made up of 54 countries. Each one is unique. Climates vary from rainforest to desert. There are many different cultures and traditions.
The Commission for Africa It is a mistake to think that Africa is a place where there are only problems. The problems are there and are complicated. Africa needs to be in charge of its own way forward. Rich countries should support, but not tell Africa what to do.
What is development for? Making people richer? Giving them more choices? Increasing well being and happiness. “Until the lions have spoken the only history will be that of the hunters”
“If you don’t know where you are going you are bound to end up somewhere else.”
UN Millennium Summit The Millennium Development goals were agreed at this summit. The seventh goal is to halve the number of people in the world without access to clean water and basic sanitation (toilets) by This goal aims to improve the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers worldwide.
Why is Africa so poor? Borders follow no logic. Road and railway networks are poor. After independence many countries became battlegrounds. Dependent on income from agriculture. Countries are often land locked. High levels of international debt. Many affected by HIV and AIDS.
Kenya - key facts Look at the key facts sheet. Answer the questions on the sheet. What issues are raised by these figures?
Kenya This is the Kenyan flag. Kenya was a British colony for 68 years. English is an official language of the country along with Swahili.
Urban growth 35% of total population live in towns and cities. The cities are growing very quickly. Informal settlements (slums) are growing even faster. Many are poor and cannot find jobs.